Issue - decisions

To approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the Council meeting held on

15/08/2019 - Minutes

It was moved by Councillor T Beckett and seconded by Councillor L Haysey that the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2019 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.  After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2019 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Chairman said he would take a further matter relating to the consideration of the Council Minutes as business arising from the Minutes. 


The Democratic Services Manager submitted a report on a change of political groups which had been notified to the Council.  In accordance with legislation, a review of political balance was now required and allocations of committee seats in light of this change must be agreed by the Council.  By taking this report as a late item, confirmation of the number of seats each Group would be allocated on the Council’s Committees could be decided in a timely way, as otherwise the matter would not be dealt with until the October meeting.   


The allocation of seats on Committees reflecting the formation of the Green and Labour groups had been calculated in the report, for approval.  The item later in the agenda regarding establishing a new Committee, the Financial Sustainability Committee, would be taken into account provided Members accepted the recommendation for that item and set up the new committee (Minute X refers).


It was moved by Councillor L Haysey and seconded by Councillor T Beckett that the recommendations, as detailed, be approved.  After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED  - that (A) the review of political balance of the Council be noted; and


(B) the allocation of seats on the Council’s committees be confirmed as set out below:



of Members:    Con            LD              G                Lab

                           40               6                 2                 2

Proportion of

Council:             80%            12%            4%              4%


Seats on each



Overview and

Scrutiny            10               2                 1                 1



Audit and


Oversight                   6                 1                 0                 0



Management   9                 1                 1                 1


Licensing          9                 2                 1                 0



Resources        6                 1                 0                 0


Chief Officer

Recruitment     4                 1                 0                 0


Revenues & Benefits


                           3                 0                 0                 0


CCTV Joint         3                 0                 0                 0


If the later item on the

Agenda is carried:




                           8                 1                 0                 1


Total no of seats allocated across

Each Group:

                           58               9                 3                 3