Issue - decisions

Smoke-free Workplace Policy

05/10/2015 - Smoke-free Workplace Policy

The Secretary to the Employer’s Side submitted a report detailing a new Smoke Free Workplace Policy.  At the meeting on 11 March 2015, the Local Joint Panel requested that the issue be deferred, querying the enforceability of a total ban and how this might create problems for Managers.  As such it was suggested that a more positive approach to encourage employees not to smoke, was less adversarial and more supportive. 


The Secretary to the Employer’s Side explained that the policy had been amended to take into account the implications of a total no smoking ban; ways in which smokers could be encouraged not to smoke and how the Council could influence service providers, i.e. contractors, in enforcing a total ban.  She hoped that the Council could move to a totally smoke free environment within the Council’s premises from 1 January 2017.


Councillor G Cutting acknowledged the difficulties faced by smokers and stop-smoking initiatives being put in place.  He expressed concern about those people visiting the Council premises and the use of e-cigarettes.  The Secretary to the Employer’s Side explained that practical issues could be worked out with Customer Services in supporting the Health and Wellbeing agenda.  She confirmed that e-cigarettes would be treated in the policy in the same way as cigarettes. 


The Panel Chairman stated that Unison was involved in discussions about the proposed policy and still had reservations, e.g. the public visiting the Council’s offices, e-cigarettes (possibly being offered on prescription) and its enforceability of implementation (Manager or HR).  The Chairman commented that he could foresee a situation whereby smokers might feel they were being targeted as a problem compared to those taking coffee breaks.  He stated that the policy, as it stood, did not take into account possible changes in legislation with regard to e-cigarettes.  The Chairman commented that Unison had asked for the report to be removed from the agenda but Corporate Management Team had requested that it go forward.


In an effort to address Unison’s immediate concerns the Secretary to the Employer’s Side suggested that the proposed policy be amended by the amendment of paragraph 4.3 (number of smoke breaks) and 5.2 (recording smoke breaks); with the wording to be agreed with Unison and to reflect the current policy.  This was supported.  Paragraph 2.5 would also refer to e-cigarettes and legislative changes.


Councillor E Buckmaster suggested that the recommendation also be amended to reflect a position that the Council was working to support a totally smoke-free environment by 1 January 2017, which would give Officers an opportunity to address areas of concern.  This was supported.


The Panel recommended to Human Resources Committee, that, subject to the amendment of paragraphs 4.3 and 5.2 of the Policy, as now submitted, a move towards a totally smoke free environment by 1 January 2017 be approved.


RECOMMENDED – that subject to the amendment as now detailed, the Smoke-free Workplace Policy, and a move towards a totally smoke free environment by 1 January 2017 be approved.