Agenda item

Update on the 2012 Anti Litter Campaign – Presentation


The Environment Inspection Team Manager gave a presentation on progress made in relation to the 2012 Anti Litter Campaign.  He outlined plans for the future in terms of how residents and businesses could get involved with future campaigns.  He stated that litter was a growing problem in the District, with much of the litter being generated by fast food packaging and smoking.  The Environment Inspection Team Manager commented that the Council aimed to secure the support of businesses, and encourage them to sign a pledge to keep the areas around their premises clean.  It was noted the Council had statutory powers to require businesses, such as fast food establishments, to keep the area in front of their premises clean.


In response to a query from the Committee Chairman about the possibility of leaving extraneous packaging in a supermarket, as in Germany, the Head of Environmental Services explained that this would require the cooperation of supermarkets who, so far, were not too keen to co-operate.


In response to a query from the Chairman regarding a “return fee” for returning cans, the Head of Environmental Services explained that some supermarkets did offer a “Club Card Reward” for recycling cans but that the downturn in market prices had resulted in a decline in these schemes.


In response to a query from the Chairman regarding penalties for littering, the Environment Inspection Team Manager advised that the Council did not have litter wardens but Officers undertook occasional litter patrols as part of their wider duties. Officers had experienced difficulties in catching people actually dropping litter.


Councillor B Wrangles referred to a shop footpath in Hertford which was covered in cigarette butts and asked that Officers investigate this.


Councillor J Wyllie commented that recycling rubbish bins in Bishop’s Stortford were not effective as they were not obvious enough in appearance to attract attention and he also suggested improvements to the road-side signage in regard to littering from vehicles.  He asked that further thought be given to better signage on Council vehicles such as “Don’t drop litter £80 Fine!”


In response to a query from Councillor E Buckmaster regarding premises owners being brought before a Licensing SubCommittee if they failed to keep their area around their premises clean, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services undertook to write to the Member once he had clarified the position.  He explained that the real issue was engaging with people to modify their behaviour, suggesting that there was also a need to work with schools on this issue.


In response to a query from the Chairman regarding bins in the side roads leading away from the high street food outlets, the Head of Environmental Services explained that bin usage had been reviewed but they could be costly to empty adding that sometimes, it was better to look at the frequency of street cleansing as this delivered better results in terms of overall cleanliness.


The Committee noted the progress made and received the presentation.


RESOLVED – that the presentation be received.