Agenda item

Transport Modelling Update and DIAMOND Results


The Panel considered a report presenting the results of the DIAMOND transport modelling of a range of development scenarios.  The Panel noted that DIAMOND provided key messages in relation to options for large urban extensions, as set out in a Non-Technical Summary attached to the report now submitted.  Officers advised that further work on transport modelling still needed to be completed, including the Harlow-Stansted-Gateway-Transport model, and that this delay had implications for the District Plan work programme as explained earlier in the meeting.


In response to Members’ questions on the development scenarios, Officers advised that Hertfordshire County Council’s transport specialists had been involved and were satisfied with the modelling.  However, Officers were prepared to take up any specific queries with the County Council.  Members were reminded that this was not a full transport model and that other modelling requirements would be necessary.


The Panel supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) the DIAMOND transport modelling work be supported as part of the technical evidence base to inform the District Plan Part 1 - Strategy; and


(B)      East Herts Council implores the relevant transport authorities, including Essex County Council, Hertfordshire County Council, and the Highways Agency, to urgently work to identify a pragmatic solution to the evidence base for long-term transport planning issues, to enable East Herts Council to finalise a consultation draft of its District Plan and enable it to comply with its responsibilities as Local Planning Authority.


Supporting documents: