Agenda item

Secondment Policy


The Head of People and Organisational Services submitted a report which incorporated a number of revisions to the Secondment Policy following a review of the policy in November 2010 and following an increase in the use of secondments.  There had been a need to provide clearer guidance to Managers who had raised issues about the level of paperwork, who completed the PDR process and signed off absences from work.  The revised policy was set out in Essential Reference Paper “B” attached to the report now submitted.  The Head of People and Organisational Services outlined the content of the revised policy.


The Chairman referred to the need to keep in touch with members of staff who were on external secondments and of issues around training.  The Chief Executive suggested that paragraph 5.2.1 be amended by the deletion of the words “Local Government Organisation” and the insertion of “Public Sector Organisation”.  These issues were supported. 


The Head of People and Organisational Services explained the PDR process and how it aimed to provide a basis for managing an individual’s career prospects and how this might link in to external secondments.  Councillor J Ranger confirmed that many large organisations were increasingly using secondments in the current economic climate, rather than lose key staff, as this widened their knowledge and was of benefit to both the employee and employer.  The Chief Executive confirmed that there was liaison on secondment possibilities between Chief Executives.


In response to a query by Councillor J O Ranger on the Council’s view of employees being seconded to voluntary bodies, particularly in the light of the fact that some voluntary bodies were taking on some of the services provided by Local Authorities, the Head of People and Organisational Services confirmed that no member of staff had taken an external secondment to a voluntary body.  The Chief Executive explained that a business case would have to be developed on how this would benefit the Council.


In response to a query from Councillor P Ruffles regarding UNISON’s view of secondments elsewhere, the Chief Executive confirmed that it would be for UNISON to determine but usually they had looked at secondments favourably.


The Chairman suggested that the Employees / Secondees’ responsibilities, paragraph 7.3 should  be amended to reflect that the onus was on them to keep in touch with the Council.  This was supported. 


Councillor J Ranger referred to the increasing use of mentoring throughout the SE Region and suggested that this was something that the Council might wish to think about.  The Head of People and Organisational Services confirmed that the Council did carry out a lot of informal mentoring adding that a report would be submitted to Human Resources Committee at some future point on this issue.


Members approved the Secondment Policy as amended.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Second Policy as amended be approved;


(B)              paragraph 5.2.1 be amended by the deletion of “Local Government” and the insertion of “Public Sector”;

(C)     paragraph 7.3 be amended to include an explanation that the onus should be on the employee to keep in contact with the Council; and

(D)   the report be amended to emphasise the need for the Council to keep in touch with staff who are externally seconded and on issues around training.


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