Agenda item

Community Safety Action Plan: Progress on outcomes and actions


The Head of Community Safety and Licensing submitted a report updating Members on the progress made by the Community Safety Partnership in respect of the delivery of the Community Safety Plan 2008 -11.


The Committee was provided with detailed information in respect of crime trends in East Herts.  Members were reminded that East Herts remained a safe place to live, work and visit.  This was borne out by the consistently low levels of crime in comparison with national trends and the neighbouring districts within Hertfordshire.


Members were referred to page 79 of the report now submitted for the East Herts Community Safety Action Plan for 2010/11.  The Head of Community Safety and Licensing stressed that the allocation of resources would likely result in less funds being available to the Community Safety Partnership.


The Chairman stated that the perception of crime was often far higher than the actual levels of criminal activity.  He emphasised the role of crime prevention panels in maintaining the low levels of crime in East Herts.


The Community Safety Co-ordinator, advised that there were two crime prevention panels in the District and both were very successful.  She stated that funding was available for crime prevention measures that were identified by these panels.


Councillor A D Dodd stated that Hertfordshire Constabulary was to be congratulated on its performance.  He expressed concerns in relation to funding cuts impacting on the provision of PCSOs in East Herts.  He commented however, that the public seemed more willing to engage with Street Pastors than with the Police.


In response to a query from Councillor K Darby on how the success of Street Pastors was being measured, the Community Safety Co-ordinator stated that she did receive information in respect of the performance of the Street Pastors.


Inspector Chris Hunt commented that a measure of success was the fact that Street Pastors were frequently being called upon to work later into the night due to the late night economy.  The Head of Community Safety and Licensing stated that difficult choices might have to be made in relation to Street Pastors and PCSOs as funding was being put at risk due to the current economic climate.


Councillor P R Ballam commented that problems often arose due to the activities of one or a group of licensed premises.  Inspector Hunt advised that the police were generally pleased with the results of Officers going out to diffuse situations with the late night economy.


He commented that the recent review of the Boars Head Premises Licence in Bishop’s Stortford had been a positive outcome and a lot of work had gone into that application.  He stated however, that the outcome of the review of the Hertford Sugar Hut Premises License had been a shame for all concerned.


In response to a comment from Councillor S A Bull in respect of noise disturbance until 3 am, Inspector Hunt stated that PCSOs typically only worked until midnight unless there was an urgent requirement for their support later than this.


The Head of Community Safety and Licensing stressed that joint funding of PCSOs and Taxi Marshalling required constant liaison to avoid a house of cards style collapse in support should one agency or authority withdraw support.


Inspector Hunt stated that a lot of work was ongoing in respect of diversionary activities, such as work with youth clubs to keep young people off the streets where they could be causing a disturbance to some residents.


He further advised that CCTV was increasingly being monitored as part of the constant battle against supplying alcohol to minors.  He stressed that this was an offence and CCTV was often used to provide evidence.  It was usually a requirement of the premises licence for the licencee to install CCTV which could then be reviewed by police after appropriate permission had been granted.


The Community Safety Co-ordinator emphasised that the action plans detailed in the report now submitted were updated every quarter and the Community Safety Partnership was performing well against its objectives.


In response to concerns raised by Councillors P R Ballam and C B Woodward in respect of poorly attended police locality meetings and poor publicity, Inspector Hunt stated that recent meetings had been planned well in advance, before the new police shift patterns had been finalised.  He expressed his hope that this situation would improve.  He stressed that if Members of the public were interested in the activities of the police, then they would attend the meetings.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that the comments now detailed, in respect of progress made against the 2008 - 2011 Community Safety Action Plan, be noted.

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