Agenda item

Update on Sustainability Action Plan


The Head of Housing and Health submitted a report that presented the latest version of the East Herts Sustainability Action Plan. The action plan had been prepared in order to respond to the carbon neutrality commitment agreed in the Council’s Climate Change Motion of July 2019.


The Head of Housing and Health said that Officers would welcome Members’ input in respect of the proposed actions and whether these were sufficient to meet the broad objective of the Council’s Climate Change Motion of July 2019. He said an update would be submitted to this Committee twice a year and that Officers would monitor and update progress and actions and publish this to the website on a monthly basis.


The Head of Housing and Health said that the third element of the recommendation was an annual update to Members in respect of progress in the reduction in carbon against target, as this was a fundamental element of the climate change motion.


Councillor Goldspink asked if Members could have sight of the carbon assessment tool. She also asked what proposals were intended to switch off lighting automatically at Wallfields in addition to the proposal for LED lighting as well as whether there were any proposals to install shutters for the Office. Councillor Goldspink also questioned the heating grants to encourage people to switching from oil to gas boilers in terms of whether the Council should be encouraging the use of gas boilers.


Councillor Goldspink said that she was very pleased about the improvements to Grange Paddocks Leisure Centre. She commented that the anti-idling campaign outside schools and town centres was an excellent idea.


The Environmental Sustainability Coordinator said that the Carbon Assessment Tool was an excel spreadsheet which assisted Officers with their deliberations and he was happy to demonstrate this to Members rather than trying to explain it.


Members were advised that LED lighting had been installed both internally and externally at Wallfields and this was zoned.  If no Officers were in a particular area of the Wallfields Office, the lights would go off. The Environmental Sustainability Coordinator said that this level of control had been in place for some time and further improvements were planned. He said that there were no plans to install shutters at Wallfields.


The Environmental Sustainability Coordinator advised that there was an externally funded heating grant for up to 20 private sector homes plus 12 properties in the rental sector. He said these grants were to assist people who had a gas main nearby but were not connected to it. Members were advised that gas was more environmentally friendly than home heating oil and cheaper than using bottled gas. He referred to the carbon saving over home heating oil and the matter of fuel poverty as well as the potential for the potential future introduction of a part hydrogen mix into the piped gas network.


Councillor Frecknall asked whether there could be a section on the East Herts website with hints and tips for residents in terms of reducing their carbon footprint. He asked if there had been provision of £40,000 in the capital programme for solar panels at Wallfields. The Environmental Sustainability Coordinator advised that the £40,000 was in the capital programme and the Head of Property was leading on that particular project for Wallfields, which would include web based metering on Council buildings.


The Environmental Sustainability Coordinator said that access to advice on behavioural change was very important for residents as was signposting residents to the good advice which was available but not readily accessible. He said that the website would be instrumental in terms of informing residents.


Councillor Frecknall proposed and Councillor Drake seconded, a motion that the recommendations detailed in the report, be supported. After being put to the meeting, and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that (A) Members confirmed that the current actions included in the initial iteration of the Sustainability Action Plan met the broad objectives of the Climate Change Motion;


(B)   Officers be asked to provide written progress reports to the Committee on a twice yearly basis to add to any views Members might wish to make on the monthly updated published on the council’s website; and


(C)   Officers be asked to provide Overview and Scrutiny Committee with an update on the reduction in carbon against target on an annual basis, both in relation the council’s activities and across the whole District.


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