Agenda item

3/18/2253/OUT - Hybrid Planning application comprising: (i) A full application for 142 dwellings (class C3) including affordable homes, plus associated accesses, landscaping, open space and infrastructure works (development zone A), and a north/south primary route; (ii) An Outline application, with all matters reserved except access, for approximately 608 (Class C3) including affordable homes, a care home (Class C2) , up to 4 hectares of employment land (classes B1, B2, B8 sui Generis (car showroom)), a local centre including up to 1,000 sq m for retail (Class A1), and up to 2,200 sq m for other uses (Classes A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1), a primary school (Class D1) up to 3 forms of entry and including early years facilities, a secondary school (Class D1) up to 8 forms of entry, open space including equipped areas for play, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping and all associated infrastructure and development at Land at Bishop's Stortford South off Whittington Way, Bishop's Stortford

Recommended for Approval


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of application 3/18/2253/OUT, subject to a legal agreement, planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Principal Planning Officer, on behalf of the Head of Planning and Building Control, introduced the report and stated that 38 late representations had been received.  Members were advised that the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) had no objections to the application and were reminded that this was an allocated site in the District Plan.  The proposed site was being planned as an urban extension to Bishop’s Stortford.


The Principal Planning Officer summarised the application and detailed the planning history and the local consultation that had taken place.  Members were advised that this was a hybrid application which included full details for the first 142 dwellings.  Members were provided with full details in respect of the full and outline elements of the proposals.


The Principal Planning Officer detailed the layout of development zone A and the illustrative style of the proposed housing.  She referred to the landscape strategy and advised that a number of orchards, linear parks and play spaces were included as part of the application.  She also referred to the sustainable drainage strategy.


Mr Arnott addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Mr Spencer spoke for the application.  Councillor R Lumsden addressed the Committee as the Chairman of Thorley Parish Council. 


Councillor K Warnell addressed the Committee on behalf of Bishop’s Stortford Town Council.  Councillors Mrs D Hollebon and J Wyllie addressed the Committee as local ward Members.


Councillor P Ruffles commented on the integrity and credibility of the master planning process.  Councillor S Bull expressed concerns in respect of the traffic movements and congestion between Whittington Way and Pig Lane.  Councillor J Kaye questioned whether there was a need for a care home, as part of the development proposals.  He expressed concerns that the NHS had not responded to this significant proposed development in terms of a collaborative approach.


Councillor J Jones commented on the site being located outside the Green Belt and within the Parish of Thorley.  He also referred to the highways matters and requested a further opinion from Officers in respect of the highways consultation response.  Councillor M Allen referred to the Master planning process with particular reference to policies BISH4 and BISH5.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the site had been removed from the Green Belt and was within the Thorley Parish.  The site would constitute an urban extension to Bishop’s Stortford and the site was allocated for development as per the adopted District Plan. 


Members were advised of the extensive consultation that had taken place and the Officer summarised the proposed access arrangements and sustainable transport routes.  Members were also advised that Manchester Airports Group had indicated that the site was within 10 km of Stansted Airport and they had suggested mitigation measures to avoid increases in large flocking birds.


The Principal Planning Officer stated that a fabric first design approach had been adopted with high quality insulation and thermal mass.  This was to reduce the reliance on gas fired boilers in the future and would serve to ensure low energy requirements and also to lock in carbon dioxide reduction for the lifetime of the buildings.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that the site was well beyond the 57 decibel noise contour in respect of aeroplane noise. However, the site was designed such that the proposed commercial element of the development would be closest to the outer reaches of the noise contours.  The Civil Aviation Authority who tracked all flights and noise assessments had indicated that noise would not be at an unacceptable level in this location.


Members were advised that the proposed care home was necessary due to the need for 530  bed-spaces as detailed in the District Plan.  The NHS clinical commissioning group had not responded with respect to on-site contributions for GP provision.


Mr Roger Taylor, Hertfordshire County Council Highways, stated that an independent transport consultant had assessed the roads in the area.  He referred to an urban traffic control system to mitigate traffic on Whittington Way.  This system would discourage rat running and would give priority to buses and would give rise to a 12% reduction in delays in the vicinity of the site.


Mr Taylor confirmed to the Chairman that the bus priority system would be activated by the bus at which point the traffic signals would change to green.  In response to a comment from Councillor M Allen in respect of the prevention of rat running via Pig Lane, Mr Taylor stated that improving Pig Lane was not desirable, as this would encourage further increased usage of Pig Lane.


Councillor D Andrews commented on the comments of Thames Water as well as the involvement of the Town Council in the master planning process.  He emphasised that there must be fibre optic broadband to individual premises and he referred to the importance of electric car charging points.


Councillor D Andrews expressed concerns regarding the availability of buses.  The Principal Planning Officer emphasised that there was a proposal to sponsor an increase in buses through the process of travel planning.  Members were reminded of the Hertfordshire County Council policy LTP4 whereby pedestrians had top priority followed by cyclists, buses then cars.  The intention was to follow government guidance in making it harder to drive.


The Principal Planning Officer reminded Members that East Herts experienced high levels of car ownership and alternative options were included as part of this application including a bus only section within the site.  The applicant’s intention was to make all reasonable alternatives available, as well as undertake ongoing monitoring.


Members were advised that in respect of drainage, the application included a range of sustainable drainage features, including attenuation basins, filtration systems and detention basins.  There would also be a bird hazard management plan and all properties would have fibre to premises, as well as electric car charging points. 


The Principal Planning Officer stated that the Lead Local Flood Authority had identified suitable SUDS drainage measures controlled by a series of detailed conditions and a condition was included which would prevent the conversion of garages to habitable rooms under permitted development regulations.


In response to a significant number of comments from Members in respect of traffic, congestion and sustainable transport, the Principal Planning Officer referred to the transport assessment and acknowledged that there was already congestion in the town and this was likely to continue.  Members were advised that this congestion would not reach levels considered to be severe.  The Authority and the applicant could only provide alternative options and encourage measures that promoted the adoption of sustainable transport habits by new and existing residents.


The Interim Legal Services Manager emphasised that Members must take into account that the policies detailed in the development plan, should be given significant weight in decision making.  He stressed that Members should also consider whether the material planning considerations outweighed the allocation of this site in the District Plan.


The Interim Legal Services Manager confirmed that the allocation of this site for housing had been made in the very recently adopted District Plan.  The matter of the traffic issues was known when the District Plan was adopted and Hertfordshire Highways had not objected to the application that was before Members for a decision.


In response to a comment from Councillor M Allen in respect of condition 14 in respect of the monitoring and management of the highways impact, Councillor D Andrews emphasised that the final conditions could be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.


Councillor M Allen proposed and Councillor P Ballam seconded, a motion that in respect of application 3/18/2253/OUT, planning permission be granted subject to a legal agreement and subject to the conditions detailed in the report submitted.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.  The Committee supported the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control, as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/18/2253/OUT, planning permission be granted subject to a legal agreement and subject to the conditions detailed in the report submitted.

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