Agenda item

Corporate Service Plans 2018/19


The Executive Member for Finance and support Services submitted a report setting out the Corporate Service Plans for the civic year 2018/19.  It was noted that the Corporate Strategic Plan 2016/17 – 2019/20 was agreed by the former Corporate Business Scrutiny committee in February 2016.  The Draft Service Plans were detailed within Essential Reference Paper “B” and Members’ comments were sought for consideration by Council on 1 March 2018.  The Policy Officer provided a summary of the report in terms of the main structure changes of the Service Plans adding that the priorities aim to support the Council’s priorities.


The Committee Chairman highlighted a duplication of an action (on page 29/30).  He sought and was provided with clarification on the issue of “employee engagement”  and suggested that direct interviews with staff be organisation to gain feedback and in addition, to recording the number of page views.


Councillor Mrs Hollebon sought clarification of the action regarding “extra care housing” .  The Head of Housing and Health explain the principle around this incentive scheme and explained that Officers were exploring how this could be implemented in East Herts.


Councillor M Casey made reference to the absence of performance measures and project milestone targets.  The Head of Planning and Building control explained that the Council did have targets in relation to planning application determinations (i.e. those for major and other applications) and agreed to include these. 


Councillor N Symonds referred to parks and open spaces highlighted her concerns regarding Trinity Church Park in Bishop’s Stortford and action not taken by the developer, to improve this.  Officers agreed to investigate Members’ concerns.  Councillor G Cutting echoed Members’ concerns and urged Officers to remind the developers of their obligations.


Councillor N Symonds congratulated the Head of Benefits and Revenues and her staff in the housing benefit team  in looking after vulnerable clients.


Councillor Mrs D Hollebon referring to Licensing Policy and food hygiene law, the Head of Housing and Health explained the “Scores on Doors” Policy and agreed to remove the word “broadly” in the performance measures column. 


Members welcomed the decrease in the use of external staff for legal matters  (only used when the necessary expertise was not available) and was pleased to learn that the Council was now generating income by providing legal support to other local authorities.  


In response to a query by Councillor H Drake, the Head of Housing and Health explained that “E-Taxi” referred to an electronic vehicle.   It was noted that timescales for its introduction was anticipated to be November 2018.


The success of the “Forever Active” programme was welcomed and Members urged the need to extend such a programme with concessions  to younger people aged between 18 – 30.  Members noted that the “Active-in” programme was aimed at this democratic and Officers agreed to amend the service plan document to highlight this.


Councillor H Drake referred to the issue of sustainable transport initiatives and the need to change the people travel.  She suggested the use of shuttle buses and car share schemes for those travelling to train stations.  Officers advised that the Council had recruited an officer to work on sustainable transport at a local level. 


Councillor B Deering welcomed a strategic approach to the planning role and the need to have a coherent approach especially with Hertfordshire County Council and neighbouring authorities.  He referred to the need to ensure sufficient ambition about Section 106 funding arrangements.   Members were assured that Officers were working closely with other authorities to ensure a co-ordinated approach to long term planning and of the Council’s involvement with the Hertfordshire Infrastructure Planning Partnership (HIPP) and the Sustainable Development Board.


Councillor I Devonshire expressed his concern on the issue of planning enforcement.  The Head of Planning and Building Control explained that this issue, and the Council’s successes were considered elsewhere on the agenda.  He assured Members that the Council was in a better position to move forward on enforcement work. 


The Committee Chairman asked how the issue of performance measures focussing on the number of sickness absence days related to the action “to deliver the Organisational Development(OD) Strategy 2015-10 and concerns in the employee survey (2017).   The Policy Officer agreed to review this and let Members know. 


Members received the report and made the following recommendations to Council now detailed.


RESOLVED - that Council be advised that (A) Members recommend approval of the Corporate Service Plans 2018/19 now detailed;


(B)   that Members’ comments as now detailed be                forwarded and considered by Council on 1 March 2018.

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