Agenda item

3/17/1558/REM – Reserved Matters for 3/14/2200/OP for the approval of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale in respect of the erection of 85No dwellings Land South of Froghall Lane, Walkern, Hertfordshire for Mears New Homes LTD and Aldwick Housing Group Ltd

Recommended for Approval


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of application 3/17/1558/REM, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Head summarised the application and referred to the 6 additional comments from residents in the additional representations summary.  Members were reminded that 40% of the proposed dwellings would be affordable housing.  The Head highlighted a number of the proposed conditions and referred to a signed unilateral undertaking as detailed in the report.


Members were advised that a design review workshop had addressed a number of the concerns and subsequent amendments regarding this application.  The Head stated that a number of further concerns and objections were addressed in the report and the planning conditions.


The Head concluded that the impacts of the application were outweighed by the benefits and Officers were recommending approval of the application.


Mr Goatley addressed the Committee in support of the application.  Mr O’Brien addressed the Committee on behalf of Walkern Parish Council.


Councillor P Boylan commented on how the objections of the Conservation Officer had been interpreted by Officers in reaching their recommendation.  He stated that the concerns of the Crime Prevention Officer had not been followed up in the report.  He expressed concerns that details of street lighting had not been provided as referred to in paragraph 8.30 of the report.  Councillor Boylan sought clarification on the status of the Walkern Neighbourhood Plan and the Inspectors report.


The Head confirmed that the views of the Conservation Officer had been taken into account although the site was not located in a conservation area.  Officers did not consider that the proposed development constituted urban sprawl.  The Walkern Neighbourhood Plan could not yet carry full weight as it had not been accepted as appropriate at this stage for a local neighbourhood plan referendum.


Members were advised that the single point of access had not given rise to any objections from the fire authority or any other relevant authority regarding safety or crime prevention.  The Head stated that pedestrians would be able to access the site via Froghall Lane and these issues could not be reasons for refusal now as they had been addressed when the outline application was determined.


The Head confirmed that if garages met the standards for internal dimensions then they were counted as spaces.  Members were reminded of the availability of other car parking in front of residential dwellings and of the relevant policy standards.  The Head pointed out that Walkern was a settlement with limited alternative transport options.


The Head confirmed to Councillor R Brunton that Walkern was a group 1 village and was designated as such in the draft District Plan.  Members were advised that condition 6 could be amended in respect of street lighting on the basis that no development could commence until details were provided to Officers.


The Head responded to a comment from Councillor P Boylan that a condition could be applied to restrict permitted development rights to prevent further alteration of the garages.


In response to comments from a number of Members regarding this reserved matters application and application 3/17/1749/REM, the Interim Legal Services Manager advised that any applicant could submit a number of reserved matters applications and they must be determined on the planning merits of each individual application.  Members were not in a position of exercising a preference of any one application over another or should not be seeking to do so on behalf of a developer.

Councillor D Andrews proposed and Councillor S Cousins seconded, a motion that the application be approved subject to additional conditions being applied to ensure that d
etails of any external lighting proposed in connection with the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the garages shall be used for the housing of private vehicles solely for the benefit of the occupants of the dwelling of which it forms part and their visitors, and not as additional living accommodation or for any commercial activity.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.  The Committee accepted the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/17/1558/REM, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report and subject to the following additional conditions:


16.      Details of any external lighting proposed in connection with the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of development, and no external lighting shall be provided without such written consent. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area, and in accordance with policy ENV23 of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review April 2007.


17.      The garage(s) shall be used for the housing of private vehicles solely for the benefit of the occupants of the dwelling of which it forms part and their visitors, and not as additional living accommodation or for any commercial activity.


Reason: To ensure the continued provision of off-street parking facilities in the interests of highway safety to safeguard the amenities of adjoining occupiers, and in accordance with policies ENV9 and TR7 of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review April 2007.

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