Agenda item

3/17/2052/FUL – Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a part four, part five storey building comprising seven commercial units (one double) in a mix of A1(retail), A3 (restaurants/café) and (A5) hot food takeaway uses and 32 residential units, together with associated access parking and landscaping at 4-18 Amwell End, Ware for Omega Land Holdings

Recommended for Approval.


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of application 3/17/2052/FUL, subject to a legal agreement, outline planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Head summarised the application and referred to the location of the site.  Members were reminded of the matter of the 5 years supply of housing land and the elements that were related to windfall developments.  The Head stated that this site was one that had not been specifically earmarked for development.


Members were advised that no affordable housing was proposed, due to viability impact considerations, and that there was a beneficial impact to the heritage assets in the vicinity of the proposals.  The Head emphasised that although a reduction in the preferred parking provision had come forward this was mitigated by the availability of alternative transport provisions.


Members were reminded that the issue of housing supply had been given positive weight and Officers felt that that any harm was outweighed by the benefits.


Mrs Wakelin addressed the Committee in support of the application.  Councillor M Pope addressed the Committee as the local ward Member.


Councillor D Andrews expressed concerns regarding the lack of amenity and parking.  He also commented that the suggestion of the Canals and Rivers Trust in paragraph 5.3 of the report submitted, be imposed should the application be approved.  He referred, in particular, to the imposition of a condition restricting surface water discharge into The Cut during construction.


Councillor Andrews also referred to paragraph 9.7 of the report submitted and suggested that any chain link shuttering would be discrete and effective to avoid an unattractive street scene.  He referred to some of the existing chain link shuttering being a problem in this respect in this location on Amwell End.


Councillor J Jones commented on the affordable housing provision and referred to the residential units being good properties for first time buyers.  He commented on the proposed parking provision as a step in the right direction.  Councillor J Jones considered that the application would vastly improve Amwell End and commented on whether any provision had been made for cycle parking.


Councillor M Allen commented favourably regarding affordable housing and the application in general.  He was concerned however, in respect of the lack of a contribution towards leisure facilities and he felt this would adversely affect the viability of the town.


Councillor D Oldridge expressed a hope that the 10 existing public diagonal parking spaces would continue to be available on Amwell End in front of this site.  He referred to the traffic impact and commented on the Section 106 contributions in terms of the limited benefits for the community.


The Head advised that viability assessment advisers had informed Officers that a full range of Section 106 provision would render the application unviable Officers had acknowledged the impact of the application in terms of some harm but the assessment of the benefits had led to the conclusion that the harm was outweighed by the benefits.


The Head stated that where transport alternatives existed, Officers were able to apply a reduction to the parking standards judged to be acceptable in planning terms.  In terms of improvements to the area known as The Cut, this could have been achieved but would have resulted in a lower provision of car parking than currently proposed.  Officers felt that the current proposals represented the most beneficial use of the space.


Members were advised that the adopted and emerging parking standards would require 32 cycle parking spaces for the residential element of the proposal and this application proposed 33 spaces.  No additional cycle parking was proposed for the commercial space.


The Head responded to comments from Councillors D Andrews and J Goodeve regarding the viability issues for this site both currently and in the future.  Councillor D Oldridge commented on the availability of footway for pedestrians accessing this site.  He expressed an element of dissatisfaction with the proposed financial contributions.  The Head clarified the position in respect of the Section 106 contributions detailed at the end of the report.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/17/2052/FUL, subject to a legal agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report.

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