Agenda item

3/17/1791/FUL – Construction of sports hall (985m2) with associated changing facilities and car park, with access from Stortford Hall Park at Hockerill Anglo European College Dunmow Road,Bishop's Stortford CM23 5HX for Hockerill Anglo-European College

Recommended for Approval.


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of application 3/17/1791/FUL, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Head summarised the application and referred to the car park and the planned exit onto Stortford Hall Park.  Members were advised of the intended dual community use and the condition requiring that details of this agreement be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, in discussion with Sport England.


Mr Bennett addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Mr Markham spoke for the application.


Councillor M Casey commented on ownership of the boundary of the site with Stortford Hall Park.  He referred to this being a single carriageway road and highlighted the objections from some residents living on it.  He believed that the proposed car park might relieve the pressure on Stortford Hall Park.


Councillor M Casey also commented on whether allowing students to park on school premises would reduce the impact on student parking obstructing the residential properties on Stortford Hall Park.  He referred to the 16 spaces proposed for community use to the north of the proposed sports hall. 


Councillor K Warnell expressed disappointment with the design of the proposed development.  He considered that better surface treatment was achievable and the sports hall was out of keeping with other buildings already in place on this site.


Officers explained that the applicant had not been able to identify who owned the land between the college and Stortford Hall Park.  Officers considered that the design of the sports hall was uninspiring and functional.  Members were advised of the proposed soft planting included as part of the application.


Councillor B Deering commented on paragraph 1.3 of the report submitted with particular reference to the requirement for rigorous and ongoing management regarding the proposed access off Stortford Hall Park for the new parking area.  Councillor K Warnell commented that, at peak times Stortford Hall Park resembled a rat run with blind bends in a number of dangerous locations.


Councillor M Casey raised concerns about parking in general and advocated that students should be able to use the proposed car park when it was not being used by the community.


Officers reminded Members that conditions had to be enforceable in order to meet the standard tests.  Members were advised to be cautious as there was no planned increase in pupil numbers and there would be a benefit in terms of a community use.  However, in order to accommodate the parking capacity concerns raised by Councillor M Casey, it was suggested that, whilst there was no reason to amend the proposed conditions, condition 12 regarding the Car Park Management Plan, could be discharged in consultation with the local ward Members.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/17/1791/FUL, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report submitted and subject to consultation with the local ward Members in respect of the discharge of conditions.

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