Agenda item

3/17/0392/FUL – Mixed-use redevelopment, including partial demolition of existing buildings, to provide up to 4,694 sqm retail floorspace (Use Classes A1 to A5), an 86-bed hotel (Use Class C1), 70 residential flats (Use Class C3), Refurbishment of existing car park to provide 143 pay and display, 40 residential, 5 car club (total of 188) parking spaces, enhancement of bus station facilities, new public realm and landscaping to riverside, and associated works and improvements at Bircherley Green Shopping Centre, Hertford for Diageo Pension Trust Ltd .

Recommended for Approval.


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of application 3/17/0392/FUL, subject to a legal agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Head introduced the application and detailed the context of the site and the relevant planning history.  He also detailed the layout of the existing site and the proposed development.  He referred to the proposed enhancements to the bus station and the retention of the car park and the greater focus on the riverside location.  Members were shown a number of plan elevation drawings and the Head summarised the proposals for new residential and hotel uses.


Miss Potter and Mr Norman addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Mr Harris spoke for the application.


Councillor S Rutland-Barsby addressed the Committee in support of the application as a local ward Member.  Councillor M Freeman read out a statement in objection to the application on behalf of local ward Member Councillor L Radford.  He stressed that these points represented the views of Councillor Radford and were not his own.


Councillor B Deering emphasised that his aspiration was for the best that could be achieved on this site.  He stated that he had walked around Bircherley Green and the surrounding streets on a very regular basis.  He referred to the division of opinion regarding this application and commented on the views expressed by the Hertford Civic Society and Hertford Town Council.  He also referred to comments he had received from residents and, in particular, from residents of Folly Island.


Councillor Deering felt that it was significant that the Independent Design Panel was now supportive and he considered it significant that no historic buildings were being demolished and no new roadways were being created.  He pointed out that this was a discrete site and approval would not represent a Gascoyne Way moment.  He stated that the application would create modern retail floor space whilst opening up the river and improving facilities for bus passengers.


Councillor Deering concluded that the views of the Conservation and Heritage adviser were significant.  He referred to the change in parking demand due to the lack of the food store and commented on spare capacity at Gascoyne Way.  He highlighted a number of important conditions in the report before stating that he was supportive of the application.


Councillor D Andrews expressed concerns regarding work that had been undertaken with the Environment Agency.  He referred to the importance of the area as a habitat and wildlife corridor.  He expressed concerns that not enough had been done to improve sustainable transport.  He acknowledged that the proposed development would be more attractive than what was already there.


Councillor Andrews commented on a strict time limit for narrow boats being moored close to this site.  He commented on the cafe area being in shadow and supported the concerns expressed by the residents of Folly Island.  He expressed support for the proposed development of this site and was pleased that the application had matured to its current form.


Councillor K Warnell commented on the 10% affordable housing contribution and referred to the application being not policy complaint with any viability assessment.  He highlighted the views of the Landscape Advisor and referred to the policy of the Authority for 40% affordable housing.  Councillor J Jones commented on the proposed health centre and whether there had been any dialogue with the health care provider since the report had been published.


The Head referred Members to the additional representations summary.  He highlighted a number of key points and referred to discussions that had taken place between GP surgeries and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).  He commented on the likely impacts of a shared health facility on the proposed development.  Members were advised of the incompatible objective of the Environment Agency in respect of soft riverside environments given that this was not easily achieved in relation to these proposals which sought to retain the car park buildings on the site.


The Head stated that Officers had and would continue to ensure that the best elements of the scheme were retained in terms of landscaping.  Members were advised that very detailed and thorough viability assessments had been carried out in relation to affordable housing provision on this site.


The Head reminded Members of policy tests that had to be met with regard to Section 106 agreements and conditions.  He concluded by seeking to assure Members that all of the understandable nervousness and concerns of residents should be managed by the range of conditions proposed.  He sought delegated authority to further tweak the conditions and matters covered in the legal agreement, subject to consultation with the Chairman of the Development Management Committee and at least one local ward Member.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/17/0392/FUL, subject to a legal agreement, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report submitted, with authority delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control to amend, add or delete conditions and matters covered in the legal agreement, subject to consultation with the Chairman of the Development Management Committee and at least one local ward Member.

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