Agenda item

3/16/0707/FUL – Construction of temporary surface level car park on Land at Bishops Stortford Railway Station for Solum Regeneration (Bishops) LLP

Recommended for Approval.


Mr Green addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of application 3/16/0707/FUL, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Head summarised the application and detailed the relevant planning history.  Members were advised that current interim parking arrangements were less than satisfactory with parking on grass verges.  The application clearly served a good purpose in meeting a current parking need.


Members were advised that Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) was concerned that the potential total amount of parking went against the policies of promoting sustainable transport.  HCC Officers felt that the number of spaces should be limited to a similar number of spaces available before the third party car park was taken out of use.


The Head stated that it was desirable to limit access via Anchor Street as this access was poorly configured and was essentially a narrow partly residential street.


Hertfordshire County Council as the lead local flood authority was working with the applicants to resolve concerns about the temporary surface water drainage arrangements.  Members were advised that despite initial concerns in respect of the integrity of architectural remains beneath the new car park, the County Council’s Historic Environment Advisor was now satisfied there were no practical issues in this regard.


Councillor J Goodeve commented on whether the provision of cycle storage could be included as a condition.  Councillor K Warnell expressed disappointment with the retrospective nature of the application.  He commented on water run-off issues and concurred with Officers regarding flooding and the Anchor Street access.


Councillor M Casey commented that the sooner the car park was opened for use the better.  The Head stated that the application served an important purpose in allowing people to park satisfactorily.  Members were advised that negotiations could be entered into with the developer regarding increasing the amount of cycle storage to encourage cyclists.


The Head also advised that allocating a proportion of the spaces solely for short stay parking would require consultation and negotiation that would further delay the opening of the car park.  It could be raised with the applicants in the event that the Committee granted permission for the current application.


At this point, Councillor G Cutting was permitted to address the Committee as a local ward Member.  The Chairman referred to the concerns regarding the access via Station Road and Anchor Street.  He commented that that there had been no personal injury accidents.


In response to a number of other comments from Members, the Head confirmed that the car park was for 5 years although this could be extended via a further planning application.  Members were reminded that allocating a proportion of the spaces solely for short stay at this stage would require consultation and negotiation that would further delay the opening of the car park.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/16/0707/FUL, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report.

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