Agenda item

3/16/1918/REM – Application for approval of reserved matters for 3/14/1627/OP for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 24 houses and provision of public open space, landscaping, parking and associated works on Land East of Cambridge Road, Puckeridge by Mears New Homes

Recommended - Approval


Mr Rainbird addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Mr Cooper spoke for the application.  Councillor P Boylan addressed the Committee as a local ward Member.


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of reserved matters application 3/16/1918/REM, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Head outlined the relevant planning history and the related appeal decision from the planning inspectorate.  Members were reminded that the principle of the development was established and details of the access were also approved.  The only matters Members should debate were layout, scale, appearance and landscaping and all of these matters were considered to be acceptable by Officers.


The Committee was advised that this scheme was broadly similar to the outline application and a key benefit was that the green frontage onto Cambridge Road would be retained.  The Head advised that the scheme was bounded to the south by a mix of housing types and scales and there had been no objection from the Landscape Officer.  The proposed mix of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom dwellings was considered to be acceptable and 10 of the proposed units would be affordable.


Officers had asked the applicant to review their proposals in light of the Neighbourhood Plan and their response was that this application was in accordance with the outline permission.  The applicant had stated that the published Neighbourhood Plan carried little weight and had been preceded by this application and the corresponding outline application.


Councillor M Casey agreed with the comments of other speakers that the Café Field development should be considered in conjunction with this application.  He sought clarification as to where it was proposed to have the access for the café field application in terms of a roundabout or junction onto the A120.


Councillor B Deering queried whether the point that could lead to a deferral on this application had already been addressed by the approval of outline planning permission.  Councillor M Allen questioned whether the traffic report had any impact on this particular application in terms of potential conditions.


Councillor D Andrews expressed concerns regarding the lack of a cumulative assessment of applications in this area.  He referred to the dangerous A120 Cambridge Road junction.


The Chairman referred to the aspiration of optimising infrastructure and questioned how this could be accommodated as part of the highways matters in this case.  The Head confirmed that the access for the Café Field development was proposed for the South West corner of that site onto Cambridge Road.  Officers had commissioned a transport report into that application and this did not take in account the two applications included in tonight’s agenda.


Members were reminded that significant weight should be given to the fact that outline permission had been approved and that the access had already been approved by the planning inspectorate.  The Head reminded Members of the very limited matters they could consider when determining this application.


The Head also advised that having a small number of larger sites allowed a greater ability to optimise infrastructure.  He stressed that smaller sites did not give that same opportunity when considered in isolation.  He concluded that the Authority should seek to ensure that the potential for infrastructure improvements such as cycle and pedestrian links was not lost.  


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of reserved matters application 3/16/1918/REM, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.

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