Agenda item

3/16/0689/FUL – Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of 10 affordable dwellings (3 x 1 bed flats, 7 x 2 bed flats), associated car parking and landscaping at 101-113 Gladstone Road, Ware, SG12 0AQ for Riversmead Housing Assocation

Recommended for Approval.


Mr Tombs addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that in respect of application 3/16/0689/FUL, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


Councillor J Taylor, as the local ward Member, expressed concerns that the number of parking spaces had only been increased from 8 to 10.  She emphasised that this did not represent a significant improvement and she stated that 90% of the residents of the existing flats did not drive.  She commented that 10 spaces for 27 residents would be inadequate as many people needed cars to get to work.


Councillor J Taylor pointed out that this already built up area was currently saturated with cars and the additional flats could result in people being unable to park in the vicinity of their homes.  She felt that the proposed development could not be integrated into the surrounding area with only 10 parking spaces.  She urged the Committee to think very carefully about the parking situation before determining the application.


The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that the relevant issues had been well explained.  He detailed the relevant planning history and emphasised that the site was constrained in many ways.  The Head reminded Members that the site was convenient for the town centre and a new Asda supermarket and the applicant had provided 10 cycle boxes.  He concluded that Members should weigh up the parking issue against the wider benefits of the proposed development.


Councillor D Andrews commented that one reason people were unable to park in Gladstone Road was commuters parking then walking to the station now that Oyster cards could be used from Ware.  He stated that parking was inadequate and the 10 spaces should be allocated in some way and protected to address the issue of commuter parking.


The Head confirmed to Councillor J Kaye the location of the extra 2 spaces that had been provided by the applicant.  Councillor M Freeman referred to the duty of Members to provide good quality housing and he did not accept that 10 apartments would generate 27 vehicles.  He felt that the applicant had done a good job in responding to the concerns Members had raised at the previous meeting.


Councillor R Brunton sympathised with the local ward Member.  He stated however, that Ware Town Council welcomed the application and none of the statutory consultees objected to the application and neither did he.


Councillor J Jones acknowledged the difficulties of squeezing the 10 car parking spaces into the proposed development.  He referred to the 10 cycle boxes and commented that 10 spaces was a vast improvement.  He stated that he would be supporting the application.


Councillor S Bull stated that he knew the area well and he acknowledged that car parking was a big problem in this area.  He supported the idea of allocated parking spaces for the proposed development and he was of the view that the site needed to be tidied up.


Councillor D Andrews stated that parking should be protected for the residents of the proposed units rather than being allocated to individual occupiers.  The Head stated that Officers could apply a condition requiring that details of parking arrangements be submitted to and agreed with Officers.  This was supported.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/16/0689/FUL, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report and the following additional condition:


15.    Prior to commencement of development there shall be submitted to, and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, a scheme for the ongoing allocation and management of the parking spaces to be provided as part of the development.  The scheme shall also set out details as to how the agreed management scheme will be enforced.  Once agreed, the allocation and management arrangements shall be implemented as such from the first residential occupation of the scheme and thereafter remain in in place.


Reason: In order to ensure appropriate use of the parking spaces to be provided for the benefit of the residents of the development in accordance with policies TR7 and ENV1 of the East Herts Local Plan (Second Review) 2007.

Supporting documents: