Agenda item

3/16/0471/VAR – Variation of Condition 14 (approved plans) of planning permission 3/13/1375/OP: Full permission for the erection of 180 homes, amenity land for community uses, the creation of one new access onto the A10 and closure of an existing access onto the A10 north of the site, creation of four new accesses onto Ermine Street and the upgrading of one access onto Ermine Street, and the provision of amenity space and associated infrastructure, and in outline with all matters reserved a 50-60 bed care home and sheltered accommodation. Amendments to the layout, mix, and design of the approved residential development at Land North of The Park Farm Industrial Estate and Freman College, Ermine Street, Buntingford for Redrow Homes Ltd

Recommended for Approval.


Ms Brighton addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Head of Planning and Building Control recommended that, subject to a variation of the original legal agreement, in respect of application 3/16/0471/VAR, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Head of Planning and Building Control detailed the relevant site history and summarised this application which sought to amend the full permission for the 180 dwellings.  The amendment focussed on changing the housing mix and ensuring that the 180 dwellings reflected the housing types that had already been provided by the existing developer.  The application also covered changes in the alignment and width of the access road.


The Head advised that concerns had been expressed by Buntingford Town Council and by third parties regarding the proposed changes to the housing mix.  There had been particular concern regarding the additional 4 and 5 bedroom houses at the expense of bungalows.


The Head advised that there was no adopted policy requirement for any particular mix of housing or for the provision of bungalows.  Members were reminded that the draft District Plan could not be given significant weight.  The Head stated that the housing mix was not in accordance with the guidelines set out within the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).


The Head emphasised that the SHMA could not be considered in isolation and a refusal based on the guidelines of the SHMA would not, therefore, be appropriate.  Members were advised that the provision of 40% affordable housing was in accordance with the guidelines detailed in the SHMA and Officers had given this matter significant weight.


The Head concluded that on balance the application was acceptable as it maintained a good mix of housing types and the parking and access arrangements exceeded the current standards.  Members were asked to give Officers delegated authority to work on the conditions and Hertfordshire County Council had requested a revised wording regarding the Section 106 legal agreement or the revocation of the existing agreement so that a new agreement could be drawn up.


Councillor S Bull stated that this site had always been favoured as a location for development.  He acknowledged the concerns of the Town Council regarding the housing mix.  He concluded however, that the developer had done all it could to satisfy the needs of the town and he would be supporting this application.


Councillor D Andrews commented on the condition of the land and the risk of swallow holes in future.  The Director reminded Members that planning permission had already been approved on this site.  The foundations would still be carefully considered and approved by Building Control Officers and the National House Building Council (NHBC) in relation to the chalk layer underneath the top clay soil.


Councillor J Jones expressed a concern that the housing mix differed from that which was recommended by the SHMA.  He requested that the local ward Members be consulted regarding any appropriate amendments to the content of the legal agreement and the wording of planning conditions.  He also commented on whether the narrowing of the access road had any impact due to the likelihood of school buses using this route from the north.


The Head commented that the developer had already amended the scheme in response to the concerns that had been raised by Officers, the local ward Members and Buntingford Town Council.  Officers considered that the application was now acceptable in terms of meeting the demand for housing.


Hertfordshire Highways had judged the narrower access road to be acceptable and Officers could consult with the Chairman and local ward Members regarding any appropriate amendments to the content of the legal agreement and the wording of planning conditions.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that (A) in respect of application 3/16/0471/VAR, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control, in consultation with the Committee Chairman and at least one of the local ward Members, to make any appropriate amendments to the content of the legal agreement and the wording of planning conditions; and


(B)   on completion of the Section 106 legal agreement and final resolution of the conditions, planning permission be granted as detailed in the report now submitted.

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