Agenda item

The integration of public health agenda into the delivery of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support

Report and Presentation


The Chairman welcomed the Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Services to the meeting.  The Scrutiny Officer explained that last year, core services had been asked to ensure that they were integrating public health into the Council’s services.  The Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Services had been invited to the meeting to provide assurances that the service, as a main contact point for vulnerable customers, was integrating the wider public health agenda and providing clear information to its customers.


The Chairman reminded Members that whilst the Council administered the service, the Council only acted as agent for the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP).


The Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Services provided statistical background information in terms of the number of non-domestic rates and council tax determinations processed and benefit claims made and processed.  She explained how much grant the Council received from the DWP to support the service.  It was noted that last year, the service had sent out 300,000 letters. 


The Head of Revenues and Benefits acknowledged the importance the service had in ensuring its customers received timely help and advice and how this could impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals and families who might have to make decisions on whether to heat their homes or feed their families.  She explained that staff were trained to ensure that they did not act judgementally but considered claims objectively and to signpost its customers to agencies where further help could be given, especially those who were vulnerable and people with mental health issues. 


The Head of Revenues and Benefits summarised alternative methods of service delivery in terms of moving forward, including reviewing how customers contacted the service by the use of technology (e.g. “Nudge Technology” where customers would be provided with reminder texts on a Council Tax bill falling due)


The Head of Revenues and Benefits explained the importance of making personal visits to individuals, especially vulnerable customers, as a means of speeding up the administrative process and in ensuring timely referrals to other support agencies such as the Citizens’ Advice Service (CAB).  She referred to the need to use information it had on its customers to ensure they received the right service.


The Head of Revenues and Benefits referred to the impact the  welfare reforms would have on individuals in terms of their  requirements and the training needed to support staff and those staff working from home.  She referred to the need to continue to work closely with other colleagues within the Council, such as Housing Services, to ensure support mechanisms were in place.


In response to a query regarding staff who could be affected by stress, the Head of Revenues and Benefits explained the processes in place to ensure managers stayed in daily contact with their teams and telephone rotation arrangements.


In response to a query from Councillor M McMullen regarding links to other services, the Head of Revenues and explained the tools in place to ensure Officers made appropriate connections and referrals.


In response to a question from Councillor J Kaye, the Head of Revenues and Benefits explained the legislative role of the DWP and the role of the Council as its agent in delivering the service.  In response to a further query regarding information provided to the elderly, the Head of Revenues and Benefits explained that, when needed, Officers would carry home visits to ensure that they were provided with relevant information and were signposted on where to get further help. 


Councillor J Kaye queried the use of “Mosaic Data” and how this could help customers.  The Head of Revenues and Benefits explained how data the Council held could be layered over other information to provide a more detailed view of potential need subject to the restrictions in terms of the Data Protection Act and use of individuals’ data.


In response to a query from Councillor A Alder regarding working with other volunteer organisations and mentoring, the Head of Revenues and Benefits explained that the Council worked with agencies appropriate to the client’s needs.  She referred to the long term relationship with the CAB and its links with support agencies.  She confirmed that the Council did not have the resources to facilitate mentoring, but referred to the importance of directing customers to the right agency.


In response to a query from Councillor R Standley regarding “going the extra mile”, the Head of Revenues and Benefits explained that for a person who might be identified as vulnerable, an officer would make arrangements for a home visit, where all the information could be obtained in one visit and an assessment of other need from other support agencies could be identified.


In response to a query regarding assisting those with learning difficulties, the Head of Revenues and Benefits explained that the service was always willing to try to work with groups to ensure that communication channels were open.


The Committee Chairman, on behalf of Members thanked the Head of Revenue and Benefits Shared Services for her thorough and informative presentation.  She suggested that the recommendation should include a reference to Hertfordshire Year of Mental Health and that the Council should be supporting appropriate national campaigns.  This was supported.


The Committee approved the report, as amended.


RESOLVED – that (A) initiatives to distribute healthy lifestyle information to vulnerable customers from Shared Services be supported and promoted, including Hertfordshire’s Year of Mental Health and other appropriate national campaigns, as a contribution to the wider public health agenda;

(B)   any resulting actions arising from (A) be tracked within the context of the East Herts Health and Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan; and


(C)   the Members’ Development Group be asked to approve the inclusion of the NHS Online Training Programme in the Members’ Training Programme and be made available to key Officers.


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