Agenda item

3/14/2250/FP – Two storey Sports Hall / Teaching facility at Chauncy School, Park Road, Ware, SG12 0DP for The Chauncy School

Recommended for Approval.


Mr Marshall addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Mr Tombs spoke for the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that in respect of application 3/14/2250/FP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


Councillor R Standley, as the local ward Member, addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.  She referred to the loss of recreational green space and loss of pitches and the potential for traffic gridlock.  She urged the Committee to support the views of Ware Town Council and refuse the application.


The Director summarised the details of the application and detailed the reasons why this application needed to be determined prior to application 3/14/2292/FP.  Members were advised that there would be shared benefits with adjoining primary schools and there was no in principle objection to the application in accordance with local plan policies and the policies of the NPPF.


Councillor D Oldridge stated that the new facility could only be a positive outcome for the school.  He commented on whether the additional classrooms were necessary as part of plans to expand the school.  Councillor J Kaye commented on the demand for the use of the proposed hall outside of school hours.  He also queried whether the traffic investigation had been carried out before or after Asda had opened.  Councillor M Freeman questioned whether condition 8 should read prior to commencement rather than prior to first occupation.


The Director confirmed that there was no policy objection to the growth of the school as educational needs had to be met and Council policy also sought to ensure the shared use of facilities.  Members were advised that the wording in condition 8 was appropriate as prior to commencement conditions were used very sparingly.


The Director concluded that as regards Asda, studies had been ongoing for a long time, although there had been no representation from Hertfordshire Highways in respect of this application.  The Asda scheme had included traffic calming for the Park Road area and whilst Officers acknowledged the likely increase in traffic congestion, Hertfordshire County Council Highways had judged the incremental increase to be acceptable.


In response to a query from Councillor K Brush, the Director advised that the principle of community access was covered by a proposed condition detailed in the report.  The full details were due to be agreed between the Authority and the applicant.


Councillor T Page commented that the conditions should clearly state the hours of community use for the sports hall.  The Director confirmed that there was an in principle agreement that the facility would be available for community usage.  If however, Members wanted further clarification, Officers could ask the applicant for further details.


Councillor J Cartwright emphasised that it was essential that a school of this size had a large purpose built sports facility.  He commented that there would always be the demand for the community use of such a facility.  The Director encouraged Members, if they felt the matters to be dealt with by condition did not give enough certainty, to specify more clearly what they wished to see in the conditions regarding community use.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that in respect of application 3/14/2250/FP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted and as further amended by the details set out in the additional  representations summary.

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