Agenda item

Procurement of Car Park Management System


The Executive Member for Economic Development submitted a report on the procurement of a new car park management system(s) for its car parks.  He explained that “Pay and Display” was nearing the end of its life and that the Council was looking at options adding that most of the Council’s car parks were too small to support an alternative system, but that the larger ones could possibly be converted to “Pay on Exit”.  The Executive Member for Economic Development explained why the Council had initially chosen to use “Pay and Display” and the options currently under review, including “Pay on Exit”, the advantages of this type of system at larger car parks and how this might affect traffic issues at, for example, Jackson Square in Bishop’s Stortford.


In response to a query from Councillor K Brush regarding current systems, the Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services explained that “Pay on Display” had been used for 11.5 years and that the age on the capital rate outturn was 10 years of use.  At the moment machines were being “cannibalised” for replacement parts and that the costs of repair and maintenance were increasing as more machines failed.  He also explained that the current machines could not be retro-fitted with new debit and credit card technology.


In response to a query from Councillor K Brush, the Parking Manager explained the advantages of “Pay on Exit”.  Councillor Brush queried whether outsourcing car parks or lease hiring the equipment had been considered, adding that committing £1million of capital could be premature given the pace of new technology and suggested that the Council consider outsourcing or a lease arrangement.


Councillor P Phillips sought assurances that “Pay and Display” could confidently be promoted to residents when the feedback he had from previous discussions with residents and businesses strongly favoured ‘Pay on Exit’.  The Parking Manager referred Members to the report in terms of those car parks which were suitable or unsuitable to a “Pay on Exit” arrangement and why.


Councillor K Crofton stated that users must be provided with the best possible service which needed to be as flexible as possible using the best scheme possible.  He assured Members that this was not a “rushed” or “knee-jerk” decision but a thoroughly considered report.  He urged Members to include Jackson Square in Bishop’s Stortford as a “Pay on Exit” scheme.  This was supported.


Councillor P Phillips queried whether the Council should still operate car parks.  The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services Parking explained the advantages of the Council retaining control over its car parks and the commercial view taken by private operators.  He stated that many of the Council’s smaller car parks were subsidised and these might not be commercially viable to a private operator.


Councillor D Andrews suggested that an “arm’s length” company be established to control car parks.  The Executive Member for Economic Development stated that such an approach would not fit with current legislation on the permitted operation of Council car parks.


The Parking Manager referred to the legal complexities associated with how the Council currently enforced breaches, the legislation it used and the use of contract law if the car parks were outsourced.


The Head of Information, Customer and Parking Services reiterated the choices available to the Council at this time in terms of its legal commitments. 


In response to a query from Councillor H Drake regarding tariff controls if car parking was outsourced, the Parking Manager explained that he expected that any level of control relating to  tariff charges, would be the subject of a prior arrangement. 


The Chairman stated that in his view, “Pay on Exit” should be the preferred option but appreciated that some car parks might present obstacles such as size, layout and traffic tail backs at certain times.


The Head of Strategic Finance summarised the Council’s options and Government’s current stance on the use of ANPR enforcement affecting the Council’s operation of its car parks and range of options.


In response to a query from Councillor S Reed regarding Blue Badge holders and “Pay on Exit” arrangements, the Parking Manager explained the pre-registration arrangement in use at the newly independent Bircherley Green Car Park in Hertford and how a similar scheme might be used for any East Herts car park if it became ‘Pay on Exit’.  He also stated that 6% of “Blue Badge” spaces should be made available in car parks and that only Jackson Square currently met this criterion.  The Parking Manager added that in effect, Blue Badge holders could actually park in any bay within an East Herts car park with the display of a Blue Badge.


It was moved by Councillor K Brush and seconded by Councillor P Philips that Officers investigate outsourcing the Council’s car parks or lease hire arrangements.  On being put to the vote, this proposal was rejected.


The Committee supported the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED – that the Executive be advised that Environment Scrutiny Committee recommends (A) with the exception of the car parks named in (B) below, that the Council procures a new car park management system based on a “pay and display” platform; and


(B)       on the basis of the information provided in the report now submitted a move to a “Pay on Exit” approach to the management of Gascoyne Way, Hertford and Jackson  Square, Bishop’s Stortford multi-storey car parks.


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