Agenda item

Human Resources Management Statistics: Quarterly Performance


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development submitted a report setting out Human Resource information for the period April 2014 to March 2015. 


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development advised that this was the last quarterly return and that the next report would provide end of year results and more detailed HR statistics.  The Head advised that staff turnover was 8.17% against a target of 10% and voluntary leavers was 5.92% against a target of 7%.  She stated that there had been a lot of internal movement around Revenues and Benefits, with 34 internal appointments. 


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that short term sickness per full time equivalent (FTE) was currently 3.18 days against a target of 4.5 days and that current long term sickness overall was 0.81 days.  The current projected long-term sickness absence per FTE was 0.88 days against a target of 2 days.  The Head referred to the Council’s Sickness Absence Policy and the positive impact this was having in managing absences through return to work interviews.  In response to a query from Councillor P Ballam, the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained the process in relation to staff returning to work after a long term sickness.


Updates were provided in relation to Training and Development, Performance Development Reviews (PDRs) and Equalities Monitoring.


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development stated that Revenues and Benefits had achieved 100% in terms of reviews and objectives set.  In terms of the rest of the Council, 84.84% of services had had their full-year review and 78.37% their objectives set.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that there was a definite improvement in returns.  She expressed concern in relation to service areas which were still falling short of targets and assured Members that HR was working with directorates on the issue. 


Councillor P Ruffles referred to the pressures within Planning and Building Control and sought assurances that the service was being supported.  He referred to the need to be aware of particular circumstances which might affect why PDRs were not being completed or targets met.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that the service was supported and that Revenues and Benefits were equally under pressure.  She acknowledged the recruitment issues in both sections. 


Councillor C Woodward reminded Members that, at an earlier meeting of Human Resources, it was agreed that Line Managers be held to account when services did not achieve the 100% target.  He referred to the four departments not achieving 100%, specifically, Corporate Risk, Planning and Building Control, and Community Services and Environmental Services.  He queried if the timing of the review was a problem given the length of time non-achievement of targets had been going on and that Head of Service should be asked to explain why targets were not being achieved.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that in terms of Corporate Risk, following a re-structure, there was a new head of service in post and that it was unusual that their target had not been met.  She stated that she was undertaking a PDR review to establish whether this was being carried out at the most appropriate time.  The Head also stated that this was also being reviewed in the context of completing the reviews electronically which would speed up the process.


The Chairman stated that he felt that the responsible Officer was the Chief Executive to ensure compliance with policy.  He reminded Members that there was a gap of 15 weeks before the next meeting to see what could be achieved in that time.


Updates were provided on the Learning and Development Programme and in relation to Equalities Monitoring indicators.


In response to a query from Councillor P Ruffles regarding the gender breakdown of part-time workers, the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development agreed to write to Members.


Councillor N Wilson referred to the contributing role of apprentices to the Council in succession planning.


In receiving the report Members also suggested that the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development undertake a review of the process to establish whether there were any blockages to services in undertaking PDRs and how this could be overcome to ensure timely compliance with the PDR process.  Also, that the relevant Head of Service of those services not achieving the PDR target of 100% be asked to attend a meeting of Human Resources Committee to explain and give assurances that matters were in hand to secure compliance.  This was supported.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Human Resources Quarterly Management Statistics, as now submitted, be received;


(B)       the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development undertake a review of the process to establish whether there were any blockages to services in undertaking PDRs and how this could be overcome to ensure timely compliance with the PDR process; and

(C)        relevant Heads of Service of those services not achieving the PDR target of 100% be asked to attend a meeting of Human Resources Committee to explain and give assurances that matters were in hand to secure compliance. 


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