Agenda item

3/13/1375/OP – Full permission for the erection of 180 homes, amenity land for community uses, the creation of one new access onto the A10 and closure of an existing access onto the A10 north of the site, creation of four new accesses onto Ermine Street and the upgrading of one access onto Ermine Street, and the provision of amenity space and associated infrastructure, and in outline with all matters reserved a 50-60 bed care home and sheltered accommodation at Land north of the Park Farm Industrial Estate and the Freman College, Ermine Street, Buntingford for Pigeon Land Ltd

Recommended for Approval.


James Buxton addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Director of Neighbourhood Services recommended that, subject to the applicant or successor in title entering into a legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in respect of application 3/13/1375/OP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.


The Director advised that, in the interests of consistency and to ensure housing delivery, Officers were suggesting that the time period in condition 1 be changed from 3 years to 2 years for commencement of the development.


Members were advised that Buntingford Town Council was concerned regarding the proposed transfer of land to the west of the site to the Town Council, pending future use of Freman College.  The Town Council had noted that it was usual for such land to be transferred to the County Council and had therefore suggested this approach be adopted.


The Director referred Members to the Additional Representations Sheet and to an amendment proposed to item 7 of the proposed legal agreement, whereby details for the safeguarding of the amenity land to the west of the site be set out in the agreement, in order to facilitate the necessary transfer of land to accommodate the future expansion of Freman College.


Councillor S Bull, as a local ward Member, referred to the representations from Buntingford Action Group for Responsible Development (BARD), the Buntingford Civic Society and Buntingford Town Council.  He expressed concerns that this development would fetch traffic off the bypass back into the town, thereby creating a rat run.


Councillor Bull queried what security would be in place for the proposed pedestrian walkway and bus stopping area on the new housing estate.  He commented on whether a condition could be applied to secure fencing and the locking of gates to facilitate this security.


The Director advised that the new bus facility and pedestrian walkway was being proposed within the application as part of an arrangement between the applicant, the nearby school and Freman College, as well as the relevant bus contractor(s), should those contractors decide to use the new facilities. They were not, however, obliged to do so.


The Director reminded Members that there was a public right of way from the south of the site towards Bowling Green Way and this had to be maintained in that capacity.  Freman College was concerned regarding security in that direction and ultimately the final approach regarding security and access would have to be finalised at a future date.


Councillor D Andrews commented that the overall scheme was highly commendable and he was largely supportive of it.  He stated however, that he was familiar with the location and, notwithstanding the straight road and good visibility, Ermine Street was a derestricted road and the Throcking junction was exceptionally dangerous.  He concluded that the proposed access should be reconsidered by Hertfordshire Highways.


Councillor J Jones, also as a local ward Member, stated that this site was one of the preferred 9 sites for development in and around Buntingford.  The site would bring benefits for the town aside from new housing and the new access would be of particular benefit as this would relieve traffic on Bowling Green Lane.


Councillor J Jones stated that he was glad that the applicant had taken all local suggestions and concerns into account.  He commented that the much needed care home provision was also very welcome in Buntingford.  He commented that the transfer of land to Buntingford Town Council should not go ahead and this land should be retained by Hertfordshire County Council.


In response to a comment from Councillor D Andrews regarding the concerns of Councillor J Jones in respect of traffic, the Director confirmed that there was a southern point of access via the proposed housing development.


Councillor M Alexander referred to policy HSG7 regarding affordable housing.  He stated that he could not support a reduction in affordable housing provision as there were 2,500 people on the waiting list in East Herts. 


Councillor D Andrews stated that the Authority had a hard fought for policy regarding affordable housing and Members had a duty to the District as a whole and not just to Buntingford.  Councillor P Moore stated that she also could not support a reduction in the provision of affordable housing proposed as part of this application.


In respect of the comments from Councillor J Jones regarding the reduction in affordable housing funding a wider leisure or arts facility in Buntingford, the Director advised that, in respect of funding raised by a development, the regulations stated that this funding should only be directed towards any deficiencies that the proposed development sought to resolve or to mitigate any instance where the development exacerbated existing problems.


Councillor J Jones proposed and Councillor S Bull seconded, a motion that application 3/13/1375/OP be approved, subject to the affordable housing provision being reduced from 40% to 30%, which would equate to a reduction of 18 units bringing the overall figure down to 54 affordable units from the 72 proposed as part of the application.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared LOST.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the Committee supported the recommendation of the Director of Neighbourhood Services as now submitted.


RESOLVED – that, subject to the applicant or successor in title entering into a legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in respect of application 3/13/1375/OP, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report now submitted.

Supporting documents: