Issue - meetings

Service Plan Monitoring October 2011 - March 2012

Meeting: 12/06/2012 - Community Scrutiny Committee (Item 68)

68 End of Year Service Plan Report 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 44 KB

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The Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services submitted a report which provided a summary of the 2011/12 Service Plan actions for four services which had been achieved and those which required revised completion dates, the detail of which was set out in the Essential Reference Papers now submitted.   He stated that Corporate Management Team (CMT) had commended the work of Heads of Service and staff for their work during a year which had presented a particularly challenging environment. 


Members praised the work which had been achieved. 


In response to a query from Councillor R Beeching, the Chief Executive and Director of Customer and Community Services explained how the target for affordable homes was calculated. 


Councillor M Wood praised the efforts of Revenues and Benefits staff for their efforts in the light of an increasing workload.  It was noted that new claims were currently being processed within a 4-5 day turnaround. 


The Chairman referred to the numerous challenges and difficulties faced by staff over the last two years and praised all staff for their efforts.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the revised completion dates against the 2011/12 Service Plan actions be noted; and


(B)   the comments made by Corporate Management Team in congratulating staff, be endorsed.