Issue - meetings

Employee Health and Wellbeing report

Meeting: 05/08/2020 - Human Resources Committee (Item 131)

131 Employee Health and Wellbeing report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 331 KB


Vicki David, HR Officer, presented the Employee Health and Wellbeing Report 2019/20 to the Committee.


Councillor Dumont asked whether there had been a drop off in short-term casual sickness during lockdown, given the majority of staff were working from home. Furthermore, he asked whether working from home and flexible working were being considered as longer-term policies.


The HR Officer said there had been a reduction in short-term casual sickness. She said staff who were “not feeling 100%” might be more likely to work from home given they did not face a commute and other factors.  Flexible hours might have also contributed to this reduction, in that staff could still make up their hours even if starting slightly later, for example.  HR were considering how lessons could be carried forward.  For example, some jobs which had previously been considered incompatible with working from home could clearly be done from home.  There were also other benefits, such as decreased levels of stress amongst staff.


The Chairman said that stress and mental health problems would be more difficult to detect in staff who were working from home.  She asked how it would be picked up if a member of staff was struggling.


The HR Officer said it was important that managers kept up regular one-to-one meetings with their team members to keep track of their wellbeing.  There were also other measures in place to promote the maintenance of good mental health amongst staff, such as the recent Mental Health Awareness Week campaign and provision of mental health first aiders.


The Head of HR and OD said the Wellbeing Survey had been valuable as follow up contact was being made with staff that were identified to be struggling.  Whilst stress or mental health issues were more difficult to detect in staff working remotely, use of Zoom and other video call software at least meant that managers could see staff when talking to them, which was helpful.  There were several other channels of support, such as UNISON and informal socialising amongst teams.


Councillor Newton asked whether there was an option for staff to attend the office for one-to-ones or other meetings if they wanted to.


The Head of HR and OD said this was an option available at the discretion of managers and staff.  The outdoor space at Wallfields had been used extensively by staff for meetings during lockdown.


Councillor Alder congratulated the HR team for having been shortlisted for a Reward and Employee Benefits Association (REBA) Wellbeing award, and asked what the outcome had been.  The Head of HR and OD said unfortunately East Herts District Council had not won the award but were pleased to have been shortlisted as a finalist.


RESOLVED – that the report be noted.