Issue - meetings

Standby and Out of Hours Policy

Meeting: 05/08/2020 - Human Resources Committee (Item 133)

133 Standby and Out of Hours Policy pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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The Head of HR and OD presented a report on the updated Standby and Out of Hours Policy.  He said that this report had been approved by the Local Joint Panel (LJP).  Members of this Committee had also had advanced sight of the document. He highlighted that the key change was to cease the Corporate Standby Rota, due to a reduction in usage of the scheme and lack of value for money.


Councillor Ruffles said he was nervous about this change, especially in respect of prospective call outs relating to Traveller communities. This had previously been a problem area for the Council.  As far as he was aware, there were legal procedures in relation to sites which were inhabited by Traveller communities, and he was concerned the Council would not now have adequate staff to facilitate this process.


The Head of HR and OD said the out of hours provision was previously a manned phone line, which would then pass on any out of hours referrals to the relevant teams the following day.  This system was being replaced by an email address, so referrals could still be received out of hours, and there would be no real effect on the subsequent action taken by the Council. Call outs relating to Traveller communities would continue to be managed by the Leadership Team Out of Hours service and would not therefore be affected.


It was moved by Councillor Newton and seconded by Councillor Alder that the recommendation, as detailed, be approved. After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the changes made to the Standby and Out of Hours Policy following the decision to cease the Corporate Standby Rota, be approved.

Meeting: 01/07/2020 - Local Joint Panel (Item 5)

5 Out of Hours Policy pdf icon PDF 74 KB

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The Secretary to the Employer’s Side submitted a report regarding proposed changes made to the Standby and Out of Hours Policy following the decision to cease the Corporate Standby Rota.  The Human Resources Officer provided a summary of the report.


The Chairman commented that going forward, when consultation was to be undertaken which affected staff, then that should be undertaken early on as this would have made the process easier.  She thanked the Leadership Team for bringing the matter forward.  The Head of HR and Organisational Development accepted the point made in relation to involving staff early on.  He added that originally this had been led by the Housing and Health team but that Officers could have advised teams affected that the matter was under review.  He reminded Members that the four staff affected were aware that the out of hours payment to them was under review.


Ms Pomfrett (UNISON Member) sought assurances that the Council’s partners would be advised of the proposed changes and made aware that the caretaking team would be the only team on standby.  The Head of HR explained that the appropriate service manager would be responsible for letting partners within their service area know of the proposed changes.  


The Head of HR reminded the Panel that the changes to the Policy would require the approval of HR Committee which would next meet on 5 August 2020.


It was moved by Councillor Buckmaster and seconded by Ms J Bruce that the recommendation be supported.


After being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that Human Resources Committee be advised that the Local Joint Panel support the changes made to the Standby and Out of Hours Policy following the decision to cease the Corporate Standby Rota.