Issue - meetings

Hartham Leisure update by the Executive Member for Wellbeing

Meeting: 16/06/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 47)

Hartham Leisure update by the Executive Member for Wellbeing


Councillor E Buckmaster, Executive Member for Wellbeing, gave a verbal update on the development of Hartham Leisure.  Councillor Buckmaster stated that the planning application for Hartham Leisure Centre had been deferred by the Development Management Committee last January as Members were concerned at the potential impact of the proposed development on the sensitive setting of the site and regarding environmental sustainability. 


Following this it was recognised that a different approach was required and Hartham Leisure Centre was removed from the framework agreement with Willmott Dixon (leaving Grange Paddocks to continue under that agreement), brought back in-house and further consultation undertaken including an all-Member briefing session.  The new design concept placed greater emphasis on sustainability and a more sensitive physical design within the confines of the functional requirements of the building.  The detailed design stage was now underway and it was expected that a planning application would be submitted in the early autumn. 


Councillor Ward-Booth asked whether the costs of the new design would require additional resources to be identified and/or impact on the business plan or payback period of the project.  Councillor Buckmaster stated that aim was still for the whole service to be financially sustainable and to keep within the budget previously agreed.  The Project Officer confirmed that part of the rationale for bringing the project in-house was to deliver the redesign within the current capital budget.  The construction sector market was currently looking favourable and officers believed that this could be achieved. 


Councillor Devonshire stated that he had requested the briefing.  He thanked Councillor Buckmaster for providing it and said that he was encouraged by what he had heard.  He asked that the Executive keep Members involved in the ongoing discussions so as to avoid the type of problems that had occurred previously during the planning process.  Councillor Buckmaster confirmed that it was intended to engage again with Members and stakeholders before the submission of the new planning application.


It was moved by Councillor Goldspink and seconded by Councillor Bell, that the briefing be noted and the Executive Member thanked for his presentation.


After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, this motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that the verbal update on Hartham Leisure be noted and the Executive Member for Wellbeing be thanked for his presentation to the Committee.