Issue - meetings

To receive the Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 22/07/2020 - Council (Item 83)

Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements.

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed those attending the online meeting, and any members of the public who were viewing the internet livestream.


The Chairman explained the protocol for voting and speaking. For votes on matters which were by “show of hands”, Members would use the electronic green tick or red cross to signify voting “for or “against”. To signify abstention from a vote, Members would use the blue “raise hand”.  The Chairman said that, for the benefit of the public, he would then state whether the item was carried. 


The Chairman asked whether there were any Members participating only by telephone.  The response from all present indicated that no Members were doing so.


The Chairman then gave an account of his recent civic duties.  He said that as most civic events had not been taking place during the pandemic restrictions, he could report on very little.  However, he had been able to give cheques to his chosen charities, CHIPS (Children’s Integrated Playschemes) and Isabel Hospice.  He had met the Chairman of CHIPS, and had been pleased to hear his plans for restarting play schemes.