Issue - meetings

Issues Arising from Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Meeting: 08/10/2019 - Executive (Item 168)

168 Update from Overview and Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To receive a report of the Chairman of the Committee’s Task and Finish Group on Parking.

Additional documents:


Councillor H Drake submitted an interim report on recent work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Task and Finish Group on parking. 


Councillor L Haysey said parking was very complex, and people had different needs. 


Councillor A Curtis asked a question on whether in Great Amwell residents’ needs at the station would be considered as part of the ongoing work.  Councillor Drake confirmed that representations would be considered from all ward councillors. 


Councillor G Cutting proposed, and Councillor P Boylan seconded, a motion to support the recommendation as detailed.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED. 


RESOLVED – to note the report of the Chairman of the Task and Finish Group on Parking.