Issue - meetings

Annual Leisure Contract Performance report 2018

Meeting: 24/09/2019 - Performance, Audit and Governance Oversight Committee (Item 148)

148 Annual Leisure Contract Performance report 2018 pdf icon PDF 226 KB

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The Executive Member for Wellbeing submitted the annual report of the Council’s ten year leisure contract with Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (SLM) trading as “Everyone Active” (EA).  The Leisure and Environment Service Manager provided a summary of the report specifically, performance in relation to the specification of the contract and qualitative successes and improvements. 


The Chairman referred to targets which had been set in 2009 and sought assurances that these would be updated following proposed capital investments and improvements in relation to changes to leisure provision on all sites.  The Leisure and Environment Service Manager acknowledged that the targets in the new contract would reflect the enhanced facilities. 


Members debated the report at length seeking clarification in relation to:-


·       customer satisfaction levels generally and in relation to Fanshawe Pool;

·       financial performance in terms of the cost per visit;

·       Health and Safety and the number of recorded accidents (including those which were sporting injuries vs those which were injuries relating to natural causes);

·       Income flows in relation to changes to the management fees which would increase the Council’s revenues;

·       The Council’s liability in relation to injuries and assurances (that it had sufficient insurance to protect the Council’s position) and in relation to the need to carry out appropriate risk assessments.  Assurances were provided.

·       The need to review customer feedback and consider what modest investments could be made at the joint use facilities.


The Leisure and Environment Service Manager provided a summary in relation to work in progress to reduce energy consumption across all sites and so reduce operating costs and improve energy ratings.  Other aspects in relation to Hartham leisure centre were discussed, including customer parking, the changing rooms and possible over-roofing.


Councillor A Curtis suggested that “Added Social Value” should seek to be quantified in future reports.  This was supported. The Leisure and Environment Service Manager undertook to take this on board.


The Chairman on behalf of Members, welcomed the move to improve energy efficiency and the assurance that maintenance investments would continue where needed in relation to Leventhorpe and Fanshawe facilities.  Additionally, Members acknowledged that attendance targets across the Council’s facilities had been established in 2009, at the beginning of the current leisure contract and that these would be reviewed going forward.


It was moved by Councillor A Alder and seconded by Councillor T Stowe that the Annual Report be received and Members’ comments be submitted to the Executive.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that (A) the Annual Report be received;


(B)   the Executive be advised that Members welcomed the move to improve energy efficiency and that maintenance investment would continue where needed, in relation to Leventhorpe  and Fanshawe facilities.

(C) Members acknowledged that attendance targets across the Council’s facilities had been set in 2009, at the beginning of the current leisure contract and that these would be reviewed going forward and updated where required.