Issue - meetings

CCTV - Shared Service Update

Meeting: 18/12/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 307)

307 CCTV Partnership Shared Service Update pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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The Head of Housing and Health submitted a report on the CCTV Shared Service.  The Service Manager Community Wellbeing and Partnerships, provided a summary update of the report.


The Chairman sought and was provided with clarification regarding the target set (31 March 2019) in relation to SIAS Governance Review recommendations and whether this was achievable.  The Service Manager provided assurances that it could.  Concerns were expressed by Councillor M Stevenson in relation to the last meeting about the objectives which had been set and the need to ensure that the Council worked in partnership and not just with the Police, for sources of information. 


Members debated at length, the use of CCTV cameras, how long they were left in position when they were moved and the role of the Control Room in ensuring their optimum usage as a source of providing information.  The Head of Communications, Strategy and Communications explained the business side and governance arrangements of the shared service usage between the four authorities.


Councillor J Jones referred to plans by Buntingford Town Council to install CCTV cameras and queried whether the joint shared service could assist the Council.  The Service Manager explained that she would be happy to refer the matter over. The Service Manager explained that cameras could not be attached to lamp-posts as these were owned by Hertfordshire County Council and there was evidence the camera fittings weakened the lamp-posts.  She also expressed concerns about the cameras currently in use in terms of their fitness for purpose.


Councillor H Drake referred to “hot spots” within Bishop’s Stortford and the need to ensure that these were covered and financed with Section 106 monies, otherwise these monies might have to be returned.  This was supported by Councillor G Cutting who also suggested that the cameras should have a wider lens and cover a wider area.


The Service Manager explained that this was being looked at as part of the review and that work was ongoing.  Councillor B Deering suggested that the CCTV cameras in Hertford might be moved around more.


It was moved by Councillor G Cutting and seconded by Councillor J Jones that the recommendations, as detailed, be supported.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the recommendations were declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED – that (A) the governance review of the CCTV Partnership conducted by the Shared Internal Audit Service (Essential Reference Paper “B”) be received and used as the basis to inform the Head of Housing and Health’s input to the work of the CCTV Officer Management Board.


(B)   the progress and the findings to date on the operational review of CCTV coverage in the District be noted; and


(C)   the Head of Housing and Health report back on the implementation of the recommendations of the Governance Review and the outcome of the Operational Review of CCTV coverage.