Issue - meetings

Executive Update by Executive Member for Housing

Meeting: 06/11/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 257)

Executive Update by the Executive Member for Housing

The Executive Member for Housing will provide Members with a presentation.


The Executive Member for Housing provided Members with a presentation on issues within the remit of her portfolio.  She provided Members with a summary of points affecting the housing service.  Members considered the key statistics provided and raised a number of queries in relation to the presentation. 


It was noted that the Housing Options team now sent a weekly list of properties which had become available for people to bid on.  This change had been driven by the Housing Association. 


The issue of Universal Credit was raised.  Councillor D Abbott suggested that Members might benefit from training on this new benefit system to ensure that they were better informed and could help residents in their ward if asked.  The Scrutiny Officer undertook to discuss this with the Member.


The Vice Chairman, on behalf of Members thanked the Executive Member for Housing for the presentation.


RESOLVED – that the presentation be received.