Issue - meetings

Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck - Quarter 1 2018-19

Meeting: 04/09/2018 - Performance, Audit and Governance Scrutiny Committee (Item 156)

156 Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck - Quarter 1 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

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The Head of Strategic Finance and Property and the Head of Communications, Strategy and Policy submitted a report which reviewed both the capital and revenue budgets and 33 key corporate performance indicators.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property explained that at the present moment, there was a £16K underspend. 


Councillor D Oldridge sought and was provided with clarification on why the Council had achieved such positive results than this time last year and issues around customer satisfaction of the website.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property Services explained that it was more about the information customers received from the website.  Councillor K Crofton expressed concern regarding the planning overspend and was advised that this was a projected outturn figure. The Head explained the new policy of “growing your own” as a start-up apprenticeship scheme and how this would impact on the use of capital receipts.


The Committee Chairman referred to staff recruitment and queried whether this was something Members needed to review.  He further commented on the overspend on IT.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property explained that a new head of service had recently been appointed and that further investment was needed to bring the Council up to speed in terms of digital services.  Councillor J Wyllie commented that IT frequently let the Council down and that he was unsure as to whether East Herts benefited from a shared service arrangement.


Councillor P Boylan referred to the affordable housing figures for quarter 1 stating that the figures were very small and that the targets were missing.  He added that he was not sure what the Council was achieving.  Members supported the suggestion that the Head of Housing and Health be requested to provide information on affordable housing targets and what had been achieved across the district. 


Councillor P Ruffles expressed concern about the Performance Indicator code QC HH 151 (Number of homeless households living in temporary accommodation at the end of the quarter) adding that he was aware that there were more than 18. 


Councillor D Oldridge sought further information regarding residual household waste and the absence of a target.  The Head of Strategic Finance and Property said that she would ask the Head of Operations to write to Members.


The Committee Chairman sought and was provided with clarification on the capital budget 2018/19 in respect of the investment in operational assets, Hertford Theatre and rental income from Charrington’s House and supported a request to receive an update on Charrington’s House generally.


It was moved by Councillor J Wyllie and seconded by Councillor A Alder that the Quarterly Corporate Healthcheck report for Quarter one, 2018-19 be received, including targets on affordable housing, targets on residual household waste and a general update on Charrington’s House.  After being put the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED - that (A) the projected revenue budget forecast underspend of £16K  in 2018/19 be noted (paragraph 2.1);


(B)   the capital budget for 2018/19 of £4.69m be noted  ...  view the full minutes text for item 156