Issue - meetings

Proposed Capital Development of Hertford Theatre and surrounding areas

Meeting: 25/07/2018 - Council (Item 138)

138 Hertford Theatre Capital Development pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Additional documents:


Council considered proposals for capital development of Hertford Theatre.  Officers provided a presentation of the current situation and the options for future development.


Councillor E Buckmaster referred to the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and how these had been taken on board.


Councillor E Buckmaster moved, and Councillor L Haysey seconded, a motion that the recommendations now detailed, be approved.  After being put to the meeting and a vote taken, the motion was declared CARRIED.


Council approved the recommendations now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) the views of Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Executive as described in paragraph 13 of the report submitted, be received;


(B)       the capital investment for the Growth and Legacy Option, as now submitted, be approved;


(C)       following the request from Overview and Scrutiny Committee, increased member involvement and engagement as the project develops, be noted; and


(D)      subject to funding approval, delegated authority to make decisions relating to the Theatre development project is provided to the Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing with the support of a Theatre project board, comprising the Executive Members of Health and Wellbeing and Finance and Support Services, the Head of Operations, the Chief Finance Officer and a Director.


(see also Minute 134)

Meeting: 17/07/2018 - Executive (Item 9.)

9. Proposed Capital Development of Hertford Theatre pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Note – Essential Reference Papers B1 –B2 are enclosed for Members only as they contain exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.  In considering these matters, if necessary, the meeting may exclude the press and public in accordance with Agenda Item 19.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 19/06/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 54)

54 Proposed Capital Development of Hertford Theatre and surrounding areas pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Note – Essential Reference Papers B1 and B2 are enclosed for Members only as they contain exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.  In considering these matters, the meeting may exclude the press and public as detailed at item 12.

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report on a proposed capital development of Hertford Theatre to improve the vibrancy of the town economically and socially.  The report detailed a number of options.  The report highlighted key areas of risk for the Council. 


The Theatre Director and Arts Advisor gave Members a detailed and informative presentation about the theatre’s past and current successes and patronage over the last eight years explaining why the development of the theatre now was essential in terms of its long term viability and so that it could continue to improve upon its cultural achievements.  It was also felt that its development would create a dynamic hub of knowledge and heritage offering the visitor diverse experiences. 


The Theatre Director provided a summary of the proposals, as detailed in the report, for the cinema, main auditorium, The Studio, Café/bar and The Motte and connections to Castle Gardens.  He sought Members’ support for the Option for “Growth and Legacy” in order to support social and economic viability and highlight the Council as an exemplar in supporting cultural development.


The Committee Chairman reminded Members that Essential Reference Papers B1 and B2 contained exempt information and that if Members wished to discuss the information contained therein, a motion to exclude the press and public would need to be moved.


While praising the presentation and the content of the report, Councillor B Deering queried what consultation had been undertaken and that the report made no suggestion of any Member involvement in the development of proposals.   Councillor Deering suggested that the recommendation be amended to reflect this.  Councillor G Cutting supported this proposal.  He sought and was provided with clarification about the loan arrangements and echoed concerns about parking.


Councillor Deering thanked the theatre team for their excellent work in making the theatre such a success.  He supported Councillor Cutting’s concerns regarding parking generally and the need to protect the ancient condition of The Motte.  


The Head of Operations reminded Members that expansion proposals for Hertford Theatre were agreed in the Service Plan in March 2018.  She explained what consultation had been carried out, including with Hertford Town Council and acknowledged local parking difficulties.  It was noted that negotiations were taking place locally with a supermarket to use parking facilities and the Theatre would be trying a number of initiatives in the hope that it would incentivise theatre users not to use their cars.


Councillor N Symonds expressed her concerns about parking at the theatre generally and arrangements for those with disabilities.  The Theatre Director and Arts Advisor acknowledged the problem and explained the restrictions in being able to provide disabled parking on site.  She sought and was provided with clarification regarding the lifespan of theatre subsidies. 


The Head of Operations provided a general overview of the financial modelling and loan arrangements proposed.


Councillor H Drake referred to the new experiences being offered by Curzon Cinemas which offered the visitor a different type of cinema experience.


Councillor J Jones supported  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54