Issue - meetings

Strategic Vision for health and wellbeing

Meeting: 14/03/2017 - Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 609)

609 Strategic Vision for Health and Wellbeing pdf icon PDF 141 KB

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The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report which provided an overview of the key ways in which the services of the Council could initiate work and maximise health and wellbeing outcomes.   The key elements of East Herts’ current Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013 – 2018 and the actions to address priorities were outlined. 


It was noted that Essential Reference Paper “B” of the report submitted should have included the need to consult with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) public health on large scale planning applications (of 100 plus dwellings).


The Leisure Services Development Manager explained that one aim of the health and wellbeing strategy was to increase participation in physical activity, targetting the 30,000 residents who, according to a survey, were completely inactive.  He referred to the health benefits of activity in relation to heart and other diseases and explained that those not exercising were in the least affluent socio economic groups or were people with disabilities or long-term health conditions. 


The Leisure Services Development Manager suggested that in a survey, 69.7% of residents said they were physically active but there was the possibility that this might not be an accurate figure as many said they were more active than they actually were.  He referred to the possible reasons why adults failed to take part in activity as highlighted in a survey by Sport for England.  


The Leisure Services Development Manager stated that the Council needed to think creatively and build on its current position of strength (i.e., Forever Active).  He suggested joint working with HCC and highlighted the key challenges to overcome in order to enable people to become active. 


The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing drew Members’ attention to the fact that the majority of projects addressed sustainable communities, healthy lifestyles and proactive health prevention.  Less work had taken place in the areas of “creating health and work together” and “healthy children start off well. 


The Head of Operations provided Members with an overview of the draft physical activity strategy which aimed to bring together the Council’s priorities and leisure strategies in a sustainable way.  Members debated what further steps the Council could take to encourage more to exercise in terms of concessions and health mentoring champions helping to promote local community facilities.


Councillor S Cousins supported the need to promote local health initiatives and that towns and villages should be linked in.  The Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing felt that this was something which should be looked at and factored in at the planning stage.


Councillor D Abbott suggested lower gym membership costs might encourage more participation in exercise.  He explained that in his experience, adults with disabilities were catered for and supported  to exercise as it was  written into their care plans.  The Leisure Services Development Manager referred to the importance of having an efficient grant system in place that was aligned to emerging health and wellbeing priorities and that a review of the Council’s community grant giving arrangements would be taking  ...  view the full minutes text for item 609