Issue - meetings

Health Scrutiny Work Programme 2016/17

Meeting: 15/11/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 441)

441 Health Scrutiny Work Programme 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

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The Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee submitted a report reviewing the Committee’s work programme for 2016/17. 


Councillor S Bull reiterated concerns by the travelling public in getting to the Lister Hospital on public transport and queried whether the PAH management team could attend a future meeting of Health and Wellbeing Committee to be questioned about the situation.  The Scrutiny Officer explained the remit in terms of the role of scrutiny and that this was typically the responsibility of HCC Health Scrutiny Committee, unless there was a very local issue and an evidenced problem.


Councillor P Boylan stated that as a new Member to the Committee, he wished to make Members aware that he had already declared an interest as a Lay-Member of the NHS West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group.  He said that it was not an accurate reflection of the CQC inspection of the PAH to state that they were failing across the board.  In fact, maternity services were judged as outstanding.  Whilst the Committee may wish to invite the management team from PAH, he reminded Members that the Trust was under considerable scrutiny at national and local level right now and it was important that the Trust was able to focus on the improvement required.  He suggested that now was not the right time to invite them.


The Committee approved the work programme.


RESOLVED – that the work programme be agreed.