Issue - meetings

Environment healthcheck to December 2015

Meeting: 23/02/2016 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 591)

591 Environment Scrutiny Healthcheck October to December 2015 pdf icon PDF 143 KB

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The Director of Finance and Support Services submitted a report on the performance of key indicators for Environment Scrutiny Committee for the period October to December 2015. 


The Performance Monitoring Officer summarised the report and explained that 10 out of the 15 Environment Scrutiny Committee performance indicators were either on target or had exceeded their targets as at December 2015.  The remaining five performance indicators were trends only.  Additionally, in terms of the short term trend, six indicators out of 15 indicators had shown an improvement in performance compared to the previous period.  Two indicators had maintained the same level of performance and seven had declined but were still within target.


Councillor H Drake sought clarification on the timescales around issuing Penalty Charge Notices (PCN).  The Parking Manager explained the process and confirmed that no motorist was disadvantaged for challenging a PCN. 


Councillor Drake sought and was provided with clarification on the impact of performance indicators on incidences such as fly tipping and how this was monitored.


Councillor K Crofton raised the issue of fly tipping on private land and asked whether fly tips  occurred on certain days and whether there was any connection between this and the change in opening times of household waste recycling centres.  The Head of Environmental Services and Leisure explained that some caution needed to be exercised on drawing conclusions on this as fly tips occurred for a range of reasons.  Officers were currently analysing trends by day and geographical location to see if there was a link.  He stated that Officers would report back on this issue as part of a report to the June meeting of Environment Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor K Crofton sought and was provided with clarification on declining trends in relation to EHPI 2.6 (Percentage of residual waste (refuse) sent for disposal).  In relation to a question about EHPI204, the Head of Planning and Building Control explained the volatility of planning appeals and how these affected declining trends.


The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that the reported performance for the period October to December 2015 be approved.