Issue - meetings

Complaint in respect of Former District Councillor M Newman

Meeting: 30/06/2015 - Standards Sub-Committee (Item 10)

Complaint in respect of Former District Councillor M Newman

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered a complaint against (former) Councillor M Newman alleging that he had breached the Authority’s Code of Conduct.


The Sub-Committee noted the detail of the complaint and the evidence submitted by the complainant to support their allegation.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that, having consulted the Independent Person, he did not consider the complaint could be resolved informally.


The Monitoring Officer invited the Sub-Committee to consider the complaint against the (published) assessment criteria of the Authority’s Complaints Procedure.


The Monitoring Officer and Acting Chief Executive left the Chamber whilst the Sub-Committee came to a determination on the complaint.


The Sub-Committee, after careful consideration of the complaint in consultation with the Independent Person and taking into account the Council’s assessment criteria and the approved process for dealing with complaints agreed that no further action be taken as it related to someone who was no longer a member of the Authority.


The Sub-Committee further agreed that the Monitoring Officer be requested to write to the former member on the basis now detailed.


RESOLVED – that (A) after careful consideration of the complaint in consultation with the Independent Person and taking into account the Council’s assessment criteria and the approved process for dealing with complaints, no further action be taken as it related to someone (M Newman) who was no longer a member of the Authority, and


(B)   the Monitoring Officer be requested to write to the former member on the basis now detailed.