Issue - meetings

Environment Scrutiny Work Programme 2015-16

Meeting: 08/09/2015 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 260)

260 Environment Scrutiny Work Programme 2015-16 pdf icon PDF 122 KB

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The Chairman submitted a report setting out the future work programme for Environment Scrutiny Committee for 2015/16.


The Scrutiny Officer explained that following on from the meeting on 9 June 2015, where there was agreement to review the Performance Indicators (PIs) relating to Planning Enforcement, it had become clear that there was a wider need to review the Planning Enforcement policy itself.  With time, this policy had become out of date and it would be short-sighted to update the PIs in isolation. 
The Scrutiny Officer suggested that a Task and Finish Group be set up to undertake a more extensive review of planning enforcement policy.  She explained that the group’s composition would be approved by the Leader and that Members of Development Management Committee might also be interested in being involved on the Task and Finish Group. 


The Scrutiny Officer outlined the proposed reporting timetable of the Task and Finish Group, reporting eventually to the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees in February 2016.


Councillors P Philips and T Page indicated their willingness to serve on the Task and Finish Group.


The Committee supported the recommendations as now detailed.


          RESOLVED – that the work programme, as   now detailed, be          approved; and


          (B)     a Task and Finish Group be set up to    undertake a review of the Planning           Enforcement Policy in conjunction         with the      review of that service’s Performance      Indicators already commissioned.