Issue - meetings

Review of Performance Indicators 2.1d (Planning enforcement: Initial Site inspections and 2.1e (Planning Enforcement Serviing of Enforcement Notices)

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 72)

72 Planning Performance - Enforcement Targets pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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The Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Development Management and Council Support submitted a report setting out the background to Performance Indicators EHIP 2.1d (Planning Enforcement Initial Site Inspections and 2.1(Service of Planning Enforcement Notices).  


The Head of Planning and Building Control explained that the performance targets had been agreed in 2010 and that the Council sought to achieve compliance with regulations before resorting to formal action.  He explained that complex cases were not included in the performance target.


The Head of Planning and Building Control commented that in relation to the service of enforcement notices, very few were issued and that the Council sought to secure compliance with landowners adding that the test of expediency was delegated to Officers.


Councillor T Page referred to the Council’s policy “not to punish but to work with” and queried whether this was a weakness in the system.  The Acting Chief Executive explained that this was part of the policy concordant which was a nationally agreed policy.  He stated that it did not reflect any weakness the Council’s planning policy.


Councillor C Woodward queried the Council’s level of staffing resources to handle site inspections and planning enforcement.  He stated that he was aware of a number of cases which needed addressing.  The Head of Planning and Building Control confirmed that the resources were the same as they were in 2010 when the target had been set and that there were three Officers dealing with these issues.  He asked the Member to contact him about the cases which he felt, needed investigation.


Councillor P Phillips expressed concern regarding the 15 (working) day performance target in relation to 2.1d (Planning Enforcement Initial Site Inspections).  The Deputy Leader suggested that it might be useful to consider the implications of changing the target.  This was supported.


The Committee received the report and asked that Members’ comments as now detailed, be referred to the Executive along with its recommendation to the Executive for approval.


RESOLVED – that (A) that the Performance Indicators EHPI 2.1d and 2.1e be noted;

(B)       the Committee recommends to the Executive to    consider the implications of reviewing the 15 day target in relation to 2.1d (Planning Enforcement Initial Site Inspections) and to report back to the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees in February as part of the 2016/17 Future Targets report; and 


(C)       the Executive be requested to delete the Performance Indicator 2.1e (Service of Planning Enforcement Notices) but that Development Management Committee be provided with an update on each occasion when authorisation has been given.