Issue - meetings

Update on the Progress of the Recommendations of the Full Licensing Committee date 17 July 2014

Meeting: 20/11/2014 - Licensing Committee (Item 366)

366 The Knowledge Test, Taxi Ranks and Advertising on Licensed Vehicles pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Additional documents:


The Director of Neighbourhood Services submitted a report advising the Licensing Committee of the progress in respect of the recommendations made at the meeting on 17July 2014.


The Senior Specialist Licensing Officer advised that the format of the knowledge test had been changed in April 2014 and Taxi Drivers had to have knowledge of the District in order to pass.  Members were advised that following the changes to the test, the pass rate was 1 in 8.  The Officers recommendation was that the new style knowledge test be reviewed in April 2015 after it had been in operation for a year.


Members discussed the issue of advertising on licensed vehicles in East Herts.  Members noted that no specific proposals had come from the trade and that it was unclear what changes were actually being requested. Members discussed the location of advertising on vehicles and were of the opinion that advertising on the windows of vehicles could obscure the view of the driver and distract other motorists.


Members were advised by the Community Safety and Licensing Enforcement Manager that Officers were working to ensure the accountability of the licensing record points system.  This was important to ensure the licensed taxi trade respected the scheme and that offenders could be taken to a Licensing Sub–Committee in more serious cases.


The Senior Specialist Licensing Officer confirmed that talks were planned with Hertfordshire Highways regarding proposals for new rank space and that Officers would be seeking assurances that any development of Bircherley Green in Hertford would not impact on the provision of taxi rank space in Railway Street.  Members made the point that this rank space should not be used as parking for taxis when there were no customers.


Members received the report and agreed that there would be no change in East Herts Council’s policy as regards the knowledge test or advertising on licensed vehicles.


RESOLVED – that (A) the report be received; and


(B)   there be no change in East Herts Council’s Licensing policy as regards the knowledge test or advertising on licensed vehicles.