Issue - meetings

Conservation Resources

Meeting: 04/11/2014 - Executive (Item 325)

325 Conservation Resources pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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That additional resources in the Conservation service area as outlined in the report submitted, be approved.


The Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport submitted a proposal to increase the level of resources available to support the delivery of improvement works identified through Conservation Area Assessments.  He referred to the number of such assessments that had been submitted to the Executive in recent months and advised that a number of outstanding assessments were still in the pipeline for reporting in the near future.  To this end, Environment Scrutiny Committee would be asked to look at the progress made to date.


The Executive noted that the proposal would be funded from the “Priority spend” budget which had been established using 25% of the Council’s annual New Homes Bonus funding stream.


The Executive approved the proposals as now submitted.


RESOLVED - that additional resources in the Conservation service area as outlined in the report submitted, be approved.