Issue - meetings

Public Health Offer to Districts and Boroughs in Hertfordshire 2014-16

Meeting: 02/09/2014 - Executive (Item 218)

218 Public Health Offer to Districts and Boroughs in Hertfordshire 2014-16 pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Additional documents:


That (A) the proposed structure for the selection of projects for the delivery of public health outcomes funded by the offer from Hertfordshire County Council, be approved;


(B)     the Director of Neighbourhood Services be authorised to sign the memorandum of understanding between the County Council and East Herts Council; and


(C)    the project board consisting of the Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support, the Director of Neighbourhood Services and senior Officers appropriate to the proposals under evaluation for determination, be approved.


The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report detailing a funding offer received from Hertfordshire County Council to provide public health outcomes and projects.  A total of £100,000 had been offered for the next two years for the delivery of mutually agreed public health priorities.  The Executive Member detailed the criteria for evaluating and selecting suitable projects and the proposed governance and monitoring arrangements.


The Executive Member referred to recent informal discussions with some Members and suggested that a representative of the Health and Wellbeing Panel on the proposed project board could represent a conflict of interest, given the Panel’s role in the scrutiny function.  She undertook to hold further discussions with the Panel Chairman. 


Notwithstanding this, the Executive Member suggested a slight amendment to the membership of the project board, which would ensure that appropriate officer expertise would be available in the evaluation process.  This was supported by the Executive.


In response to a comment by Councillor P Ballam on a current HCC consultation on bus services, the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport advised that a report on this matter would be submitted to the Executive in due course.


The Executive approved the recommendations as now detailed.


RESOLVED  - that (A) the proposed structure for the selection of projects for the delivery of public health outcomes funded by the offer from Hertfordshire County Council, be approved;


(B)      the Director of Neighbourhood Services be authorised to sign the memorandum of understanding between the County Council and East Herts Council; and


(C)      the project board consisting of the Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support, the Director of Neighbourhood Services and senior Officers appropriate to the proposals under evaluation for determination, be approved.