Issue - meetings

Changes to Recycling Services: Implementation and Analysis results

Meeting: 09/09/2014 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 222)

222 Changes to Recycling Services: Review of Implementation and Analysis results pdf icon PDF 141 KB

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The Executive Member for Community Safety and the Environment submitted a report providing Members with an update following the implementation of the changes to the recycling service in November 2013.  The report also provided an update on the outcomes of those changes, the detail of which was set out in the Essential Reference Paper.


Members were reminded of what had been implemented by the Authority under the SPARC project, which had been delivered on time and slightly under budget.  The Head of Environmental Services advised that the residents survey had indicated a high level of awareness of the changes and the survey showed that satisfaction levels had risen from 77% in 2011 to 80% in 2013.  Waste services satisfaction levels had also increased from 77% to 83%.


Members were reminded that the Authority had addressed the issue of removing card from the organic waste stream, which had resulted in a positive effect on the composting operation and there was now a very low level of card contamination of organic waste.


The Head of Environmental Services stated that the changes in the service had engendered a marked increase in recycling performance allied to a reduction in waste levels.  Members were advised that the amount of paper collected was slightly below the 2012/13 levels (4.3%) but this was much better than expected.  


Members were reminded that, nationally and in East Herts, the quantity of paper being captured for recycling had been falling for several years due to people moving to electronic media.  In East Herts, the 2012/13 level for November to March was 11% below the 2011/12 figure for the same period.


The Head of Environmental Services reported that the smaller recycling vehicle fleet and associated collection round efficiencies would deliver a saving of around £94,300 for 2014/15 compared with the previous year.


Members were advised that there had been an expected spike in missed collections when the new SPARC collection rounds were introduced.  Members were further advised that the numbers of missed collections had returned to normal levels and the service was now performing well.


Councillor R Beeching queried what the 4% reduction in waste sent to landfill would actually saves in disposal costs.  He also commented on what this equated to in terms of tonnage.  The Waste Services Manager undertook to provide a written response after the meeting.


In response to a query from Councillor G Williamson regarding whether soft plastics could be recycled in future, the Head of Environment Services advised that this would depend on whether there was a market for such material.  He advised that the recycling industry responded well to technological advances and was very innovative.  Members were advised that new processes might mean that there was a market for such material in future.


In reply to a comment from the Chairman, Members were advised that there might be capacity in future for commercial recycling collections once the residential collection rounds had been completed.  The Chairman thanked the Waste Services Manager for his hard  ...  view the full minutes text for item 222