Issue - meetings

Budget Report and Medium Term Financial Plan 2015/16 – 2018/19

Meeting: 18/02/2015 - Council (Item 540)

540 Consolidated Budget Report and 2015/16 – 2017/18 Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Note – Members are asked to bring their copy of the Executive agenda to the meeting.

Additional documents:


The Leader gave a presentation on the Executive’s budget proposals for 2015/16 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy until 2017/18.


He looked back to the start of this Council’s term in 2011 and reminded Members of the aim of freezing Council Tax levels whilst maintaining front line services as the basis underpinning the Budget Strategy.  He referred to the impact of various external factors and the continuing uncertainties in which local authorities operated, with reduced funding from central government.  Council had taken a balanced approach in allocating funds to maintain services, whilst looking to make savings where possible.  He referred to the shared services agenda, where greater resilience had been achieved in the Revenues and Benefits service and huge savings had been achieved in the IT shared service.  Council was investigating such arrangements for other areas, such as anti-fraud and building control.


The Leader referred to the Council’s balanced approach to its Reserves and placed these in context with neighbouring Authorities.  The position would continue to be monitored in the coming year.  He also highlighted the Council’s work in supporting and encouraging businesses in East Herts using New Homes Bonus (NHB) growth investment and working in tandem with the Local Enterprise Partnership.  He expressed thanks to the Economic Development team for their efforts.


The Leader also highlighted Council’s approach to car parks and the introduction of a free 30 minute time band.  The early indications of this support for town centres were showing an increase in footfall.  He also referred to the decrease in vacant shops in both Bishop’s Stortford and Hertford.  The Executive Member for Economic Development would be working with Officers to extend the scheme to Buntingford and Sawbridgeworth.


The Leader outlined some of the successes of the previous term, such as the allocation of NHB funds to parish and town councils and for supporting health and wellbeing initiatives.  He also referred to increased recycling rates, reduced waste going to landfill and increased public satisfaction levels with the waste and recycling service in general.  The Leader gave details of the grants distributed to voluntary organisations, which supported activities such as playschemes, Citizens Advice and Police and Community Safety Officers.


The Leader referred to the ongoing work on the emerging District Plan and the reserves set aside to ensure that the current timetable was not compromised.  Members were reminded of the Local Mortgage Scheme, in which, to date, 24 loan agreements had been signed.  In terms of the capital programme, the Leader highlighted the funds allocated for leisure improvements at Grange Paddocks, Hartham and open spaces in general.


The Leader concluded by stating that Council had exceeded its objectives, with council tax having been reduced by 1% and grants to voluntary organisations and support for businesses having been increased.  He placed on record his thanks to Officers for their efforts in meeting and exceeding these objectives.


The Leader proposed two additional items.  Firstly, that fees and charges for 2015/16 be frozen.  This had been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 540

Meeting: 03/02/2015 - Executive (Item 503)

503 Consolidated Budget Report and 2015/16 – 2017/18 Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 788 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive considered a report setting out the Council’s budget proposals for 2015/16, which included:


·                        the 2014/15 Revised Revenue Estimates;

·                        the 2015/16 Revenue Budget;

·                        the 2015/16 Schedule of Charges;

·                        the 2014/15 (Revised) to 2017/18 Capital Programme;

·                        the refreshed Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP); and

·                        the Council’s Reserves.


The Leader referred to the comments of the joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees, held on 20 January 2015, and set out the Executive’s response.  In respect of staffing resources within Building Control and Enforcement, the Executive supported the underlying principle and was open to any business case for additional resources coming forward for consideration, where capacity issues had been identified.  The Leader reminded Members of the ongoing Building Control partnership project and that some caution was needed in this respect.


In relation to leaf clearance, the Leader reminded Members of the rationale for previous decisions and that this was not a District Council function.  However, the Executive supported the principle of partnership working and was open to ideas coming forward from community groups.


In respect of freezing charges where the Council had discretion, the Executive supported this.  The Executive also supported the suggestion that Scrutiny Committees in 2015/16 be asked to review charges relevant to their specific areas.  The Leader stated that the suggestion relating to Hertford Theatre’s flexibility on charges was also supported by the Executive.


Finally, in respect of the use of capital funding for leisure facilities, the Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support undertook to ask Officers to look at this, but expressed caution, given the costs of running a swimming pool.  She acknowledged the need for more sports pitches in Bishop’s Stortford but questioned the land supply for them.  She referred to the need to work closely with schools to encourage them to open up their facilities for community use.  The Executive Member also reminded Members of the funding that would become available from the Bishop’s Stortford North development, which would allow a complete review of leisure across Bishop’s Stortford.


A number of Members commented.  In respect of leisure facilities, some Members referred to the need to expand and/or refurbish Grange Paddocks to provide a 50m pool, which could become a magnet for sporting excellence.  Some believed that contrary to national trends, there was a growing demand for swimming in Bishop’s Stortford.  Mention was also made of Bishop’s Stortford having the lowest number of sports pitches in Hertfordshire.  


The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support reiterated that the Executive would consider a business case that came forward.  She agreed that Bishop’s Stortford needed more sports pitches and encouraged those Members who were school governors to push for greater community access to school pitches.


Councillor M Wood referred to the hazards caused by leaves and their impact on grass verges and gullies, and spoke of the health risks for the elderly on footways where leaves had not been cleared.  The Leader reiterated that the Council could look at assisting on specific activities, but that a budget  ...  view the full minutes text for item 503

Meeting: 20/01/2015 - Joint Meeting of Scrutiny Committees (Item 479)

479 Budget Report and Medium Term Financial Plan 2014/15 – 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 789 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Finance submitted a report which set out proposals in respect of the following:


·                        2014/15 Revised Revenue Estimates

·                        2015/16 Revenue Budget

·                        2015/16 Schedule of charges

·                        2014/15 (Revised) to 2017/18 Capital Programme

·                        the refreshed Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)

·                        the Council’s Reserves


The joint meeting of Scrutiny Committees was advised that the new format budget report had replaced four separate reports which, in previous years, had discussed the revenue and capital budget proposals.  At a recent training workshop, Members had identified certain changes they wished to see in the budget report, such as clearer and expanded explanations of the figures, identification of the key budget changes, the use of plain English and more use of graphs.  The Director of Finance and Support Services advised that the new format and content was Officers’ response to those requests which, it was hoped, would make the budget proposals easier to understand.


The Director explained that Sections 1 and 2 provided an overview of five “building blocks” forming the Council’s revenue budget and referred to the Medium Term Financial Plan for a summary of the Revenue Budget.  It was noted that there had been earlier reports to both Corporate Business Scrutiny and Audit Committees regarding the council tax base and business rates would go to Council in January and the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy would be going to Audit and Council this month.


The Director stated that Section 3 provided a summary of the key budget proposals and how these supported the Council’s priorities.  A reprint of Chart 2 was tabled for clarity at the meeting.  Section 4 set out the Revised Revenue estimates for 2014/15. 


The Chairman referred to additional staffing changes and concerns which had been expressed about the workload around Building Control and Enforcement, and the temporary arrangements currently in place.  Councillor J Wing referred to Members’ concerns raised at a recent meeting of Corporate Business Scrutiny Committee in relation to adverse performance targets not being met, adding that performance should be at 100%;  instead of the 63% currently being achieved.  Councillor Wing referred to the impact on the environment if Officers were not making timely site visits.  He referred to the income generated by Planning and Building Control and felt that it was crucial that this area be given more resources.  Councillor C Woodward supported a suggestion to increase the level of resources.  Councillor J Ranger agreed that there was a huge amount of work in those areas with additional and increasing numbers of planning applications coming in and the need for more staff.


In response to a query from Councillor R Beeching regarding the New Homes Bonus (NHB) and its apportionment, the Director of Finance and Support Services clarified the funding process and referred Members to the MTFP for more detailed information.  It was noted that 25% was allocated to Towns and Parishes for disbursement on projects.  The Director reminded Members that when the policy had been established, no “strings” had been attached  ...  view the full minutes text for item 479