Issue - meetings

Fuel Poverty - An overview

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 234)

234 Fuel Poverty – An Overview pdf icon PDF 168 KB

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The Executive Member for Health, Housing and Community Support submitted a report in respect of the revised national definition of fuel poverty.  The report highlighted the activity being undertaken in East Herts to help address the issue amongst vulnerable residents.


The Committee was reminded that, at the 11 June 2013 meeting, Members had requested that an initial report be presented to their next meeting outlining measures relating to fuel poverty in East Herts.  Members were already aware that the specific aim of reducing fuel poverty formed part of the Council’s 2013/14 Vision and corporate priorities.


Members were advised that, in the UK, the concept of fuel poverty had traditionally been taken as occurring when a family spent more than 10% of household income on heating a property to a comfortable level. 


Members were referred to paragraph 4.3 of the report now submitted for a summary of the principal issues relating to fuel poverty across the District.  East Herts had a diverse mix of house types with many older hard to treat homes and many of these homes were off gas.


Members were reminded of the ‘Green Deal’, a Government initiated scheme, which had been fully launched in January 2013 and had been set up to provide a loan to householders to provide for a wide range of energy efficiency improvements.  Councillor K Warnell commented that the elderly were particularly vulnerable.


The Committee was advised that Home HeatingOil buying clubs operated mainly in rural areas, where residents combined their orders to achieve a more competitive price from the supplier.  Several such clubs operated across East Herts and savings of at least 10% were achieved due to less delivery journeys, thereby saving time and diesel as well as reducing congestion.


Members were advised that some homes in East Herts would not be suitable for top-ups of insulation due to unsuitable cavities following the construction process.  The Committee received the report.


RESOLVED – that (A) the activity relating to fuel poverty in East Herts be noted;


(B)   the progress made with the Green Deal and the interim grant scheme now being put in place be noted; and


(C)   a review of the Council’s Affordable Warmth Strategy be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee and, if possible, before the end of the Civic Year, following the expected publication of the Government’s Fuel Poverty Strategy in 2014.