Issue - meetings

The Duty to Co-operate and East Herts District Plan

Meeting: 12/12/2012 - Council (Item 505)

The Duty to Co-operate and East Herts District Plan

Minute 458 refers

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – that (A) an approach to the Duty to Co-Operate based on a clearly defined plan-making process, objective assessment, positive preparation, and serious consideration of cross-boundary strategic matters, be supported as the basis for continued work on the District Plan; and


(B)      the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, or other nominated Executive Member, be authorised to attend meetings with Members from local planning authorities, Hertfordshire and Essex County Councils, and other relevant bodies as necessary, to demonstrate compliance with the Duty and further progress the District Plan.

Meeting: 04/12/2012 - Executive (Item 458)

The Duty to Co-operate and East Herts District Plan

Minute 16 refers

Additional documents:


The Executive considered and supported the recommendations of the District Planning Executive Panel meeting held on 28 November 2012, in respect of the Duty to Co-Operate.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) an approach to the Duty to Co-Operate based on a clearly defined plan-making process, objective assessment, positive preparation, and serious consideration of cross-boundary strategic matters, be supported as the basis for continued work on the District Plan; and


(B)      the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, or other nominated Executive Member, be authorised to attend meetings with Members from local planning authorities, Hertfordshire and Essex County Councils, and other relevant bodies as necessary, to demonstrate compliance with the Duty and further progress the District Plan.


(see also Minute 471)

Meeting: 28/11/2012 - District Planning Executive Panel (Item 16)

16 The Duty to Co-operate and East Herts District Plan pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report on the Duty to Co-Operate, which was a requirement contained within the Localism Act 2011.  The Panel noted the significance of this in terms of cross-boundary strategic priorities, particularly in relation to housing.  Officers advised that it was considered crucial for East Herts Council to adhere to the agreed strategy selection process in order to seek to avoid a situation where the Planning Inspectorate intervened on the basis of failure to comply with the Duty to Co-Operate.  Finally, it was proposed that an Executive Member be authorised to represent East Herts Council in meetings with the relevant Member(s) from neighbouring local planning authorities, Hertfordshire and Essex County Councils, and other relevant bodies.


In response to Members’ questions and comments, Officers confirmed that although the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport had engaged with neighbouring authorities and other external agencies in recent years, under the Localism Act 2011, it was deemed appropriate to demonstrate formally, that an Executive Member had been delegated authority to do so.  The Leader believed that the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport would be prepared to engage with local Members on relevant matters when discussing cross-boundary issues with external agencies.


The Panel supported the recommendations as now detailed.


RECOMMENDED – that (A) an approach to the Duty to Co-Operate based on a clearly defined plan-making process, objective assessment, positive preparation, and serious consideration of cross-boundary strategic matters, be supported as the basis for continued work on the District Plan; and


(B)      the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport, or other nominated Executive Member, be authorised to attend meetings with Members from local planning authorities, Hertfordshire and Essex County Councils, and other relevant bodies as necessary, to demonstrate compliance with the Duty and further progress the District Plan.