Issue - meetings

Revenue Forecast if the Late Night Levy were to be introduced in East Herts

Meeting: 01/11/2012 - Licensing Committee (Item 379)

379 Revenue Forecast if the Late Night Levy were to be introduced in East Herts pdf icon PDF 22 KB

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The Director of Neighbourhood Services submitted a report regarding the possibility of generating additional revenue by implementing a Late Night Levy.  A breakdown of the potential revenue streams which might be generated, were set out in Essential Reference Paper “B” of the report now submitted.


The Licensing Manager explained that 70% of the revenue generated by the levy would be paid to the Police with the remaining paid to the Council to be spent on local matters.  The Licensing Manager explained how the levy would work and that some of the 102 licensed premises might want to take advantage of the additional hour from opening their premises after midnight, after 1am and after 2am.  There was the possibility of generating approximately £11,000 in revenue to the Council. 


Councillor Mrs P Ballam commented that she was under the impression that all of the monies generated would be paid to the Police to help with policing the “night time economy”.  The Licensing Manager explained how the night time levy worked.


The Licensing Manager explained that Members did not have to agree to implement the levy, adding that the Police preferred early morning restrictions which would help with their shift patterns. 


Members did not support the principle of implementing a late night levy.


RESOLVED – that the principle of implementing a late night levy not be supported.