Decision details

Authorisation to enter into a Lease of Easement with Hertfordshire County Council, to permit access to drainage in connection with Northgate End Multistorey Car Park, Bishop’s Stortford.

Decision Maker: Head of Strategic Finance and Property

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To permit access to drainage from Northgate End Car Park across land owned by Hertfordshire County Council.


The Head of Strategic Finance and Property, acting under delegated authority under paragraph 10.13.16 of the Council’s Constitution and under express delegation made by Council at its Extraordinary Meeting on 18th March 2021, has decided: to enter into a Lease of Easement with Hertfordshire County Council to permit access to drainage in connection with Northgate End Multistorey Car Park; and to authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to sign said Lease of Easement under the common seal of the council.

Alternative options considered:

The drainage must cross the County Council’s land and this had been negotiated with the County Council when planning permission was sort. This formal Lease of Easement gives legal form to the agreement between the councils

Publication date: 22/04/2024

Date of decision: 22/04/2024

Accompanying Documents: